Hello. First let me start it off that I’m 15 and my Mother recently just passed away due to cancer around 1 month ago. I’ve had alot of dreams of her as of late of going to heaven and visiting her and her appearing and telling me she was ok. These are the ones i think which it was really her, but a more recent one well i dont really know. I think it it possibly means something so any help would be appreciated. I Had a dream that i was in my room, and my dad was yelling cause i think i left the ice cream out and didnt put it in the freezer. So he was screaming and i didnt know why. So i come out my room and he shows me how it melted and starts Yelling. Bah bah so i see a shadow move fast behind him, and then it appeared in full body form and i think it was my mom (im really not too sure) and i was like "look behind you and she came behind him and screamed “DONT EAT MY CEREAL!” And everything froze. Also let me state, as of right now me and my dad arent in good state. Which we never really close, but i dont know. Can anyone tell me what this dream could mean?
to me it sounds like the feelings you have for your mother and how it is effecting you is manifesting in your dreams. When i lose some one close to me (even animals) i have these types of dreams i think it’s just a way for you to cope with what is happening while you sleep.
As for the heaveny ones, no one can tell you whether or not these are for real or just dreams that’s something you need to determine yourself.
I am not good at dream interpretation or anything.
Anyway, I´ll just write down the thoughts I had after reading:
You feel the loss of your mother, on the one hand of course since she probably was someone very close to you, like you would be sad about the death of any person you like/love. On the other hand you also miss her as a mother, who has different meanings until you are grown up (like give advice, listen, put some pressure on you when you are lazy and many other things). Now your father could perhaps take some of this tasks, but since your relationship to him is a bit troubled (?) you feel that it´s better to have to live completely without a “mother” (meaning any person who has the function of a mother), than having someone (your father) trying to take her tasks, which he just can´t do properbly (even if he really wants to).
I know it´s a wild guess, I am just trying to offer another point of view. It´s also hard for me to describe something like this in english, but I wanted to respond to it since I can relate to you ( I am 18, my mum has cancer which can´t be cured).
First of all KoN-KepTz, Iam really sorry for losing your mother!
My repsect, iam really sorry to hear that.
I wish you my strenght and hope u have ppl to share some of your heart with.
I dont think this was your mother, because when someone visit you for real they will talk clear and not in total riddles.
This sounds more as your subconscious, maybe even to accept a role from your father for a bit that your mother once had or it could simply mean that you must take care for yourself, looking after yourself now.
Take care KoN-KepTz I really feel with you.
I promise i will put a candle on tonight for you and your mother as a way of respect.
Strength and make the best of it ok, try to be constructive.
Thats the best thing you can do for yourself right now.
KoN-KepTz: I’m really sorry to hear about your mother. It’s no fun, I know. I’ll hold you in my heart and pray for you and your future. You deserve more than this. You’re a great person, you know?
And also I agree with Jeff that I think it was just a respresenting figure from your subconscious to help you cooperate with this situation better. I had a similar experience when my grandpa died, I had a hard time letting it go… I ended up having a lot of dreams about him. It was heart-warming and relieving to know that my grandpa is ok now. Without my experiences with grandpa in my dream or IRL, I don’t think I will ever be here typing. I really do feel with you.
I wish you the best luck of all and you’re in my prayer.
Candle is still burning
Wish you all the best Kon-KepTz