What method do you prefer: simply talking to or confronting your nightmare creature verbally, or do you prefer a more violent route?
I’ve only ever been lucid for a few seconds, but I have turned nightmares into good dreams after defeating the nightmare creature, generally in some violent battle. This is in an NLD.
I normally face my opponents and try to talk to them. This always gives me a really good feeling afterwards.
I don’t think beating up your enemies will help you very much, because you’re in fact beating up aspects of yourself. Instead, try to discover why they’re attacking you. You might learn something about yourself
i have confronted them and defeated them, and then demanded a gift (like the senoi)
i have also just turned around, asked who/what they where and hugged them, those give very emotional results.
i used to have a lot of being chased nightmares, but with the confronting they have gone.
at some point the chasing itself was a lucidity trigger, i would realize: hey i’m being chased, hey, i’m dreaming and turn around. Sometimes this was also very scary but the feeling that i was dreaming and could not be hurt was stronger.
I haven’t actually been having any nightmares lately, I was just wondering what method most people use.
One I used to have often enough was trapped in a weird, evil forest with all these zombies that would come out at night. I would always try to run away or lock myself up in this shack I always found. Until one night I found a shotgun in the shack . I never had the nightmare again.
i actually enjoy many of my nightmares - which is maybe why i stopped having them. They only ones i occationally have include certain instects and arachnids.
I never go lucid during mine though as i like the mystery, if i was to go lucid i fear losing that mystery.
However when i was a child 3-6yrs old i hada recurring nightmare involving a school and king kong i had this dream nearly once a month for a year or two, then one night i kinda said to my oh bugger this, i am not having this dream again.
And instead of kingkong bashing through the wall and chase me, i went outside said hi and i’m not affraid of you. took his hand and brought him inside - thats the first Lucidish dream i had that i remember and i never had that nightmare again.