Death and Dreaming

Someone once told me that God teaches us how to die every night when we sleep. To some degree I can see some truth in this. Think about it, we are no longer aware of anything that is going on in the concious world. I also read a book on life after death and some of these near death patients the books talk about describe events in their afterlife as if it were a dream. In fact, many things including OOBE were mentioned in the book. I just thought it was interesting.

perhaps, but I imagine death will be more like being under general anesthetic*. There’s just nothing*. If you’ve never had it, then it’s just like closing your eyes and opening them again, with no sense of a gap in between.

I believe the theory on what people see when they’re about to die is that it’s* the result of a chemical produced in the brain, but who knows, anything’s possible.

There is one big difference - you don’t know if you will ever wake up… :smile:

Did you know that when you die yuo have a powerful hallucinogen in your body? I think it’s called DMT.

Consider the possibility of NDEs and OOBEs actually being a dream, and nothing more.

Also, what do you think about ghosts? Dead humans? How would this fit in?

At least that you remember. I would imagine that general anesthetic could also cause memory loss.

well, don’t remember anything of the time, just the going to sleep and waking up. I’d never thought that there might be something there that I couldn’t remember. I just assumed that the nothingness seemed instantaneous because it was nothingness.

Yes DMT is found in small quantities in the brain for yet unknown reasons. Many neuro-scientists believe that it is involved in the birth and death process. This is something that I have been thinking a lot about lately. Along with DMT there is also the Ketamine model for death, which basically says that when your brain is dying the same thing happens as when ketamine is taken.

K model for death:

After taking both of these into consideration and my OBE and LD experiences I wrote the following blurb in the “Jesus was the ultimate lucid dreamer topic.” I do fail to mention the K model for NDE, but that further explains the disociated state of the spirit rising above the body that some people experience upon NDE.

BTW welcome to the forum LanaLang.

That was really interesting toadstool, thank you