death from ap and other struggles.

I was talkin to my dad about astral projection and stuff and i said i was goin to get into it. I got inspired by my older brother John who could do it all the time a few years ago. My dad told me that astral projection can be dangerous and he asked me if John had told me about his struggles with it.

   i said no and i told him to tell me about it and so he did.  My dad said that John is still doing without wanting too.  He doesnt want to do it anymore but somehow he does some nights.  He said that he has no control over it.

   My dad also said that back when he was 12 or 13, he heard about this hippie that would astral project everyday at about 1:00 in the afternoon.  Then one day his friends came over and he was still doing it but the hippies friends were confused because he usually was awake by that time.  Then after a couple more min. they found that he was dead.

 After he told me all that he told me to not do it until im older and that i should wait a couple of years.  If anyone has heard of this hippie guy then please give me his name so i could google him up or something.  Also if anyone has had the same problems my brother had then i would be happy if u told me ur experiences with it.  Any advice will help.  O and by the way im 13.

my dad wouldnt be lying about this stuff either

Hi Mack.

No your father won’t lie. Once there was a hippy and he performed a harmless ritual called AP. For some unknown unrelated reason (perhaps he had some undiscovered disease or weakness), he died. He could have died on the toilet, and no one would ever thought bad of AP. But he didn’t, and now people walk around getting scared.

My point, coincidence. People are doing this all over the place for ages already (whatever you believe of it), and stastistically no more persons died from AP then from going to the toilet.

That said, from my personal experience, AP is harmless because it is a stage similar to lucid dreaming. Only if you would perform something like a NDE (but trust me, inducing this on purpose is extremely hard and you wont be able to, unless you drive a car against a tree) and deceide not to return to your body, would there be any real danger.

Hey Miggidy,

I’ve never heard the hippie story before. I had been told that AP was dangerous too. But I was told that it was dangerous because of the other entities we share this world with. I was told that if I continued to do that something would snare the cord and replace me. It’s sounds kind of foolish now.

If it was something to get me to stop doing it, it worked. I had only AP’d once when I was about 15 and told my uncle about it and that was the end of that. Never tried again.

Hi Miggiddy :smile:

Don’t worry about the Astral Projection. The truth is you can’t get hurt UNLESS you think you’re going to get hurt. Everything we think in the astral comes to reality in the astral mostly. If you think your going to see a demon and are super scared then you will most likly.

If you want to practice Astral Projection then go into it with a good positive attitude :smile:, and always follow your intuition.

Im 15 and I started APing when I was about in my early 14 years of age. I have had some wierd expieriences but nothing freaky.

Good luck!

We all do the same thing every night, because it is nothing more than a dream.

He might think it is for real, but really it is nothing but a dream or maybe a conscious dream similar to a lucid dreaming state.

When a person gives up LD’ing, they’re a fairly good chance that they’ll suddenly start having them automatically (but they go away after a while).
I imagine the same would happen with AP.

As (like a fair amount on this forum) I believe OBE’s/AP’ (is there actually any different between the two?) are just a type of LD, I’d say you’d be in no more danger than every night you go to sleep.

I believe that ap/oobes are real ,but im not going to get in a big arguement about that like i did in the chatroom :eek: So dont leave a post saying that its just a dream because that really doesnt help me any if i do believe in them. Thanks for the replys.


If it was really a Hippie, it could’ve been a coincidence, or a bad drug trip. Or this whole thing could just be an urban legend.

It all comes down to a choice- do you want your life to be as others tell you about it or make concious choices and experience.
Its not to say not to listen or broad your knowledge- just know that some doubts will allways remain unless you try it yourself.
Depends on what and how much you want to discover for yourself.
For me- i wouldnt miss the opportunity to have such magical experience as ld/oobe/ap.On the other hand im not too keen to sleep with same sex regardless of how much convincing id get.

i’ll take the antagonist’s frame of reference:

  1. is your dad a christian or overly superstitious (or fundamentally adhering to religious doctrine)?

i’m just saying that because it sounds like something someone would say to scare you out of doing it out of superstition and whatnot.

so anyway, i think maybe you could die during AP, but it would be a sort of “enlightenment” where you decided, voluntarily, to die, to never come back.

i’ve had 2 moments where i felt that i was about to die if I didn’t do something about it… one scary, one peaceful and luminescent.

the problem with “astral” projection is the term astral often denotes supernatural psychic stuff, i.e. this is “real” you have a “soul” and its leaving your body.

so if that is what you want to experience, then yes I advise caution, but you can have OBEs which are somewhat the same as APs but are basically just lucid dreams… and I’d say those are plenty safe if not identitcal to LDs, and that what we call an AP should probably be called an NDE.

i’m about to make a thread about an NDE experience of mine and many odd happenings.

Holy Reality, how many times have you accomplished AP?
Was it just those two times? I’ve read that because other things that are not so nice also live on the astral plane that it is dangerous, not because they kill you but psychologically…Ever experience anything like that?

Okay, lets think about this logically.

If these dangerous creatures have ever hurt someone during AP (took over their bodies, or whatever), how do we even know about it?
The person would be dead (or stuck in the spirit world, or insane or whatever). They wouldn’t be able to tell us.

Now I’m not saying I believe all this because I just don’t know enough to know but they don’t take over their bodies, it’s kinda psychological too much to handle kind of thing…you’d be surprised how many crazy people there are in the world…but there is also such a thing as close calls too…How many people have studied AP? How would you study it? Is it ever a garunteed thing? Unless you do it you won’t know…

Yes my dad is christian ,but i really doubt he would be trying to scare me out of it. Considering the fact that he told me to try it once I’m older and wiser.

Exactly Anamacara!:slight_smile:

From what I’ve been told… Those who have the ability to see different dimensions/realms have had some input with AP documentation out there.

And IMO, I don’t think there is a difference between OBE/AP.

No physical harm can happen during ap as its said, we do it every night. Creatures, negative entities can ruin our ap’s by scaring us but thats it.

miggidy mack, I don’t think your dad would try to scare you. He’s just repeating what he has heard. And most probably, when he heard about that, a long time ago, it was never told about Lucid Dreaming, just astral projecting, because there were a lot of books about LD’ing which called that astral projecting, and quite no books about LD’ing. Just ask him what he knows about LD’ing.

My best friend was in the same case than your brother. He was lucid dreaming without wanting it (he was a “natural” :tongue: ). As he believed in astral (and as when you believe in that, you believe that what you see is real), he was always afraid of what he saw. And as he was afraid, he always saw frightening things. That’s a classic amongst “astral” stories. Then I told him he was lucid dreaming. He didn’t believe me immediatly because, as he said: “it’s more gratifying for the ego to believe you’re astral projecting”. :content: But since he finally believed me, he has had no more trouble with his lucid dreams.

The most harm do the stories that continue to tell that there can be harm done.Its effects are people getting scared which then effects in actuall monsters and whatsnot born out of ones fear.
Once you do it yourself and learn for yourself that such “scary” things can be easily overcome,you will have no doubts again.