Death in Dreams

I had a dream the other night where i got shot, i usually wake up before i get shot but this time i didn’t. well i got shot and my “soul” came out of my body and started floating up and up, but i didn’t go to heaven or anything. when i was in soul form my vision was weird, it was kind of rounded…but has anybody ever have this happen, or have anyone actually been to heaven or hell?

Moved from Lucid Adventures since it’s about ND’s :wink:

:hmmm: interesting topic indeed, I had many experiences about dying in dreams :wink:

I used to die in every dream at the period they also were nightmares :tongue: in one dream I died without waking up, I couldnt see or feel anything, but I had a kind of consciousness :happy: I dont remember what happened after :peek:

In fifth and sixth grade, I died in almost every dream I had. In one particularly funny one, ninja turtles killed me and my ghost attended my own funeral. In more disturbing ones, I was slaughtered against my will in the name of “science” to try and track my activities after death.

The interesting thing about death dreams is one’s reaction to dying. In some, I was calm and accepting, particularly if I got to say goodbye to my loved ones before I go or visit them in spirit form and send messages of well-being. In others, I struggled to stay alive and spent my first minutes of afterlife sobbing over the injustice. I don’t think I’ve ever gone to heaven or hell, though one time I lost all visuals until suddenly there was a blinding light, and I felt myself merging with it, and I was happy.

Since I’ve started keeping a dream journal and intentionally lucid dreaming, my death dreams have mostly gone away, so I don’t actually have any recorded… Is there some significance to this coincidence, or was I just a really morbid child?

In most of my death dreams, which don’t happen that often, I’m pretty ok with it :lol: Or I’m fine because I ‘know’ I’m not actually dead (be it because in some form I know it’s a dream, or because in the dream i believe in an afterlife :eh: ) or I’m just “aw, crap. :neutral: bummer, I’m dead.” :tongue:

Usually if it’s a nightmare with dying, the nightmare part is right before I die. :bored: Once I died because of a massive explosion and woke up. I spent a few seconds awake in the dark, breathing heavily, wondering “am I … dead?”

You wouldn’t have thunk it, but heaven is actually indoors. I didn’t remember dying, but the place seemed like heaven anyway. It’s bright and has alot of glass surfaces. It feels very high up too, but you can’t see much outside since it is just white.

What you also wouldn’t think is that hell is accessible without dying. You can just go there armed with a rocket launcher fighting demons as you go down level by level. It’s pretty intense, and the devil might tempt you to become evil and do his job.

are you saying this is what you experienced in your dreams?

I committed suicide once in my dreams; but I didn’t exactly die. Just before waking up in horror, I remember regretting the suicide a lot. I wished I hadn’t drunk that poison. I wished someone would come and rescue me. I don’t understand why I had such a dream. I don’t have any suicidal tendencies.

I also died in a dream once. I jumped off my school roof. I didn’t feel any pain. My body was sucked into the ground and i could see the different layers of the gound.
After moving deeper and deeper i fell in dark city. The lights were turned on but it was dark. Everywhere were human-like creatures with photos of persons in their faces. In the center of the town was a big villa or appartement (a big house ._.’).
I had to go there and the devil welcomed me. He had no cow legs or horns. He looked like a rich guy(he weared a smoking or something like this) with a white face. After walking through a long hall i woke up.

This was one of my most important dreams ever and i will never forget it. I wonder what the devil wanted to tell me…

Meh, I died a few times in my dreams, but too much experience with videogames turned death into a painless, forgettable and consequenceless event. The dream just goes on, eventually I become a DO and follow the story of other DC’s unfold :tongue: but I have yet to experience anything deep concerning the matter.

Whenever I die in a dream, I just get transported to where I was a couple of seconds before I died. Once I had a dream where I died 10 times in a row. My best friend had a gun, and every time I tried to run away or get close to him he shot me several times, but it felt really weird, like at the dentist when he drills your teeth you feel it but it doesnt hurt thats what happened there, I felt the bullet going through me but it didnt hurt.