i once had a few dreams where someone said to me
“you know what happens when you wake up?” and I did indeed know… death… and I’d get weird bodily distortions and force myself awake.
“wake up” was meant in the context of waking up IN THIS WORLD… but yeah… it was sort of a self incubated concept to begin with… as I figure if we someone “wake up” right now, what’s the point of staying here?
But they were freaky nonetheless…
I’d worry about the consequences of waking up in paralell universes… for example, you try and make money, so you like say “hey put $10k in my bank account…” then you say “okay, now I’m going to wake up into a paralell universe where I really have that much money in my account” well…
What if in that paralell universe you were a drug dealer and you got busted shortly after waking up?
Hmm… I don’t think that’s how it would work though, since being able to do so would imply that reality is highly subjective beyond imagination…
Robert Bruce talked about astral magick and how he would envision a new car, place it over his old car (in the RTZ… don’t ask me how you get there or whether it exists, I’m skeptical) and he’d listen to the constructs vibrations… if they were good he would try and match his vibrations to it or something…
Like a few days later a neighbor sold him her car for a really good price, or gave it to him or something…
I don’t know… I’ve tried my hand at doing that sort of thing (duplicating money, creating an amp) and I’ve tried it for getting good grades (which worked) but grades are more a reflection of desire and willpower than are posessions… and they result from only two people, you and the teacher… so… they might be easier to do (or coincidences!)
For a safer and not so deadly test… why don’t we just tell ourselves we’ll wake up facing the opposite direction on our beds? Or wake up on the couch, or in the backyard, or something?