Death threats while dreaming?

Have you ever been threatened that you would die if you continued exploring your dreams? I’ll give examples to illustrate what I mean.

[spoiler]First, there was this dream. I was in my front yard, aware that it was a dream because of how the sunlight works in my dreams. I could hear my cat meowing somewhere, and I was searching for her (she disappeared that day). Eventually, I came into one corner of my yard, where meowing was heard from, but my cat wasn’t there. I looked up, only to see a crack in the sky, through which I could see the universe. I flied up to the crack, and put my hand on it, noticing it was a physical kind of door. I wanted to step forward, but then I heard a warning, which was not my own voice:

  • If you go through, there’s no coming back. You’re going to die.

I thought about it for a minute, then decided that I don’t want to die. I fell backwards and woke up as I hit the ground. Later that day, I found my cat dead on the exact place where I heard meowing in my dream.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]Another example, a more recent one. I was in a bus, going somewhere. I could see the sunset over the hills to the right. The bus drove for some time, until it eventually arrived to a little medieval town. I exited the bus and started following the trail that led downhill and then right, into the town centre. To the left of the trail there was a huge manor, which was beautiful yet dark, and it scared me. I felt the wind on my face and wondered about the nature of the dream. I said to myself that it’s more realistic than my usual dreams. Anyways, I reached the well in the centre, and started looking at the people around me. They were there, but kind of… almost transparent. Like ghosts. There was an elderly couple which I followed to the hotel.
Inside the hotel, there was a reception desk, and people were pushing others to get checked in. I was very nervous, I hate the crowd. I pushed through them to get to the receptionist and asked to be checked in. She looked at me all confused and said:

  • But you do know that you’re really going to die if you do so, right?

I looked around. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me in a weird way.

  • You don’t belong here. - one grandma said.

I started panicking and rushed outside. I ran as fast as I could back on the trail that led to the bus. It was about to leave. I jumped inside and yelled at the driver.

  • Get me out of here, get me out, get me out!
  • Are you sure? - he smiled. - You seemed so eager to stay.
  • I’m sure, just drive!

He drove me back as the only passanger, and then I woke up. [/spoiler]

SPOILER - Click to view

The third example is not a real threat, more a straight-forward question. I was in a dark room with lots of little lights on its round walls. There was a dark figure who asked me if I wanted to die. Out of curiosity I said yes, and then I felt extreme pain from my chest area. I saw my body split, and I tried to hold my spiritual body with my physical hands and push it back inside. The pain was unbearable. I cried and begged and said I didn’t want to die. The figure seemed confused, but let me out of the dream.

Have you ever had similar experiences? Was there a point where if you “crossed” somewhere, someone warned you it would be the end of everything?

Yes, I’ve had experiences like this. I have read most of the dreams you have posted here and I notice at least one difference. I rarely feel pain in my dreams. I’m not that often injured and when I am:

  • I feel nothing
  • my body goes numb
  • or I jump out of the body before feeling anything serious and continue as a DO.

That wasn’t what you asked, I just wanted to share that :happy: Here’s one dream where I’m warned:

SPOILER - Click to view

I’m on a massive ship in the middle of the ocean. In the back of the ship is a dock fit for a smaller ship. I’m inside this smaller ship with one of my friend that is apparently trying to find a sunken treasure. He asks “Do you know any good books about mythical monsters?” and I answered “Don Rosa has written a few great stories about mythical creatures”. Shortly after this talk something hits the ship we are in. The dock’s gate is open and I can see a huge dolphin behind the ship. The dolphin is approximately 200 meter long. Suddenly sting rays and fish with wings block every window of the ship and a swarm of red-white spiky, ball shaped sea creatures appear. They release deadly spores to the air and I jump to the water, abandoning the ship. I see a huge sea monster at the front of the ship. It’s pulling the ship underwater. The red-white things surround me. I hear a voice “Go underwater or you die to the spores”. I trust this mysterious voice and dive.

I have also been killed by some demons. Like a cloud came alive in one dream, pulled me into the air and smashed me to the ground. I didn’t feel pain but I felt bones breaking before waking up.

That’s very interesting! Actually, I think I’ve never met anyone who feels pain while dreaming, like I do. I always feel everything, so nightmares really are a problem for me, especially when someone cuts me up. :neutral: The feeling of my other body being pulled out of my physical body is the worst though, especially around the heart. Often when I’m in the hypnagogic state, I feel like someone grabs my hands and pulls them, and I feel like I have two pairs of hands which is very painful. I always jump up to stop it before I see what happens next, though.

Adding to the question about warnings, did you ever feel that a voice was trying to trick you? Did you ever ignore a warning, just to see that it was right?

In that dream the voice was a deep male voice. He spoke calmly and I felt no malice from him. I have never ignored a warning.

I would also like to share that I crossed through a portal in one dream and it led to the afterlife.

[spoiler]A large piece of rock was flying through space. It was dark blue/black and shiny, looked like some kind of metal. Inside the rock was a large cave and there was a small derelict spaceship. The crew had died and there was a blue portal inside the ship that had been used by a woman working in the afterlife as a spirit guide. She had taken the crew to the afterlife and I followed through the portal.

It was a technologically advanced afterlife. I manifested a body and walked around. There was a hall for storing important artifacts from our world like art and they also stored every weapon that had killed someone. I saw a worker put a new arrow on the shelf. The shelves were really cool. They were made from cold red cubes. The shelf was full so the worker just pushed a few cubes and every cube in the room started moving and a new row of shelves appeared from one end of the room while the room expanded into the other direction. The walls and floor were made from larger white cubes. The wall, in the direction of the expansion, moved when new shelves were created. This place could expand infinitely.

There was a lecture hall where dead artists taught art history. Van Gogh didn’t appreciate another artist of his time and they had a small argument. I went back to the room with the portal and met two spirit guides. One was a woman that couldn’t believe her sister had died and she had to retrieve her. She looked sad. The other guide was a tall black man. They both had futuristic gear on. [/spoiler]

Wow. Now I wish I had gone through that portal from my first post. :happy:
But did you cross back through the portal to return or did you wake up normally?

I think I woke up. I didn’t get to go through the portal again.

ooh intresting, ofc but only in non ld 's
alot o times been asked do this or you will die and usually always did not choose those things which led to death frankly idk why but maybe pure instinct who knows :confused: