Basically my question is what are your thoughts on how the mind can become concious of the fact you are in a state of euphoria, when the mind is in a state where the unusual is not far from it.
I mean, While you are dreaming, everything seems normal, and you don’t seem to have anyway of controling anything, and who’s to say the mind doesn’t tricks us? What if it realizes that we yearn for a LD in such amounts that the mind dreams of an LD and interprets to us what we wish so we can put our thoughts and hopes to rest?
I know there is more. I wish there was a way to interpret the encryption of the mind, yet we know so little of its mysteries.
I know when I dream, it is a return. A return to home where the only limit is my awakening to this world, with such boundaries that make for such wonder in the mind how we find living here on this Earth as we have named it, when our dreams behold a much depper level of life and living, where the doubt that confines us to the earth is released, and we are free to fly through the greatest expansions of our mind.
What if life after death is that of our dreams? Could our dreams be there to show us there is much more than what we live for? Do we sleep for reasons more that to replenish this machine which helps us to explore this world of constriction? Are our dreams there to set us at peace, and to show us that our greatest downfall is doubt? Where as in our dreams we have no sense of threat, and we feel a sense of security as we are comforted by our own imagination.
I much look forward to the day when I can finally return to the place of my beginning. I look towards my dreams to guide me through, to show me who I am and the destiny for which I am set for.
Why are we all so oblivious. Possibally not so much of the people whom help build the population of this sites community, but the people who live their lives of the beliefs of the people past. Nobody takes the time to realize the depth of life and the vastness of the mind. What if we are wrong? We think about things like gravity to keep us to the ground. What if it is really the energy we produce through our doubt? The collision of our doubt and ignorance for the belief of what we have been taught, as they collide as our minds are fueled by doubt to overwhelm the embedded beliefs for which we have been taught to be true.
That’s all I have to share today…