DEILD - Dream Exit Induced Lucid Dream

It’s different from a person to person, I never had problem to stay still, and first I used to open my eyes, but just on a sec, more like a peek :smile:, but you, it seems that you will need to practice a little more…just be persistent, and don’t give up easily!!

I like this technique - I’ve had success with it twice. I prefer it over WILD, because it’s much quicker and it’s more interesting.

The first time was when I woke up and I had HI from the dream I just had. I layed still, and I went into SP. After 5-10 seconds of calming down (it can be a bit startling for me when I first enter), I began visualising a dream scene. This can be hard, but I visualise the scene I was last in. After 20 seconds, I realised I was standing up. I slowly opened my eyes, and realised I was dreaming.
The thing I really love about this technique is that the LDs you produce from DEILD are so much more vivid than regular DILDs. When I entered the dream, I was completely shocked at how realistic my dream was. When I entered the dream, it began to go unstable. After keeping calm and rubbing my hands for 5-10 seconds, the dream was stable again and had a 10-15 minute LD.

The 2nd time was when I didn’t realise I was awake, and I entered SP. I couldn’t think of a scene to visualise, but all of a sudden I began visualising me standing outside my house. Half a minute later - I appeared outside my house. It was very vivid - I could feel the wind, and the sun, and could see very clearly (like I’ve never seen before in a dream apart from the last DEILD). Again, I had to stabilise at the start but managed to keep the dream stable.
I lost lucidity within 5 minutes, but it was incredible experiencing a dream with vividness that’s comparable to real-life.

I keep forgetting to summon my character when I’m in SP - If I recall I talked to you about this with you in the CALD thread.
Next time I try DEILD, I will summon my character as well as visualising a familiar scene. :happy:

This is very interesting… and makes so much sense. It’s also very easy to wake up immediately after a dream… you just tell yourself to do this before going to sleep… pretty amazing how our SC always obeys hehe. I’ll try this tonight and post results tomorrow.

After a while of using this technique I can say that I’ve been successful only the times I was lying on my stomach. Weird.

hmm I realized it was pretty difficult to wake up with your eyes closed. I had like 7 dreams yesterday all of which I woke up after having them and in absolutely all of them I opened my eyes. I became lucid in two of them but it was through DILDs… any tips on how to wake up with your eyes closed?

Even if you opened eyes it doesn’t mean that you won’t achieve DEILD, because first time when I tried DEILD I’ve opened my eyes, and then just closed them and repeated mantra, once or twice, and before I knew I was in a dream… and I was lucid from a start, but ofc I’ve done 2 RC’s just to be sure :wink:


Yea, don’t worry about opening your eyes, as long as you get back to sleep relatively quickly you’ll have no problem. I’ve even set alarms, turned it off, wrote down a shorthand of my dream, and was still able to enter that same dream. This is probably subjective, but i’m always incredibly tired when waking up during the night (so much so that concentration can be a problem), so getting back to sleep is the easiest.

Oooh. I found the DEILD topic. /me blows the dust off it

Anyone still look at this?

:eek: I thought… I thought it had been buried and forgotten for ever and ever! I hope all the new people see it!

Ok, so today I woke up in the morning directly from a ND, and I felt pretty rested, but I desided to lay back in bed and close my eyes. I remembered reading something about ‘creating your own dream’ so I started daydreaming a about what I would in a LD but it felt like a very vivid daydream, or a LD that wasn’t vivid at all. I tried to ‘jump in’ to the dream, but I couldn’t no matter how hard I tried. So I’m just wondering, did I do this right? Or was I doing something completely different? Sry if this sounds a little confusing, I’m trying to describe what happened the best I can.

I’ve already trained myself to stay still when I awake from a dream or when I awake from my autostop alarm clock. I usually try to continue the dream scene from where it left off, but if I don’t remember, I create a new one. I lay there for a couple of minutes, with absolutely nothing happening, so I give up. Does it normally take a while to work? When I chain lucid dreams, it’s a whole different experience and takes much shorter.

Yeah, just creating one never seems to work for me. But I’m just wondering, is your auto-stop alarm clock an actual clock? Or is it an app (and if so, what’s it called)?

It’s an app for the iPhone called “Alarmed”. In the app, you don’t actually set an alarm, you set a reminder, and when the time that you set comes, a tune plays for about 10-15 seconds. Hope it works for you!

Sounds like a interesting method, must try this. Although I think that the part where you must be still and eyes closed after you wake from the dream might be hard for me…

Seems a bit difficult. But as well I am new to LDing. Would it be best for me to get much better at dream recall (I’m fairly decent at it) and practice on WILD for a few months? Before I even try DEILD? I am imtreseted in this tech but I don’t think I can get it first try as a newbie I am.

DEILD often can be a lucky shot if you prepare yourself just a little but. It’s not that complex as WILD. You basically wake up and not move, if a matter of seconds you will make a transition if you keep just enough consciousness… I would advice to try it whenever you wake up in the middle of the night, if you don’t succeed you have 2 outcomes: either you fall asleep and dream and have a NLD or maybe LD, or you stay awake and you can try another technique. From my opinion is very close to a win/win situation!

Good luck! :content:

Tried DEILD last night (morning, I sleep late;p) I think that I was pretty close but it seems that I fade to sleep too fast. ?

I go back to sleep very quickly also, and lose focus when I try to concentrate on hypnogogic images, just fading in to sleep. I have never experienced sleep paralysis.

How I lucid is; I wake up in the early morning (usually 2 -4 hours before I normally get up), I immediately close my eyes to go back to sleep, as soon as I start to see hypnogogic images I repeat (not out loud, in my head) ‘I am dreaming’ and/or ‘I am lucid’, I usually fall asleep after I have said it 2 to 10 times, then shortly after falling asleep I become lucid. I can do this as many times as I want, often going back into the same dream.

If anyone is still on this topic i have a question. If you wake up in the night, and then proceed to go to the next dream, wouldn’t that make your last dream fade away ?

By definition whenever you wake up your current dream fades away but you can proceed it while doing DEILD/Chaining. Of course sometimes you will achieve this continuation of the dream and sometimes you will not…