I was reading older posts and noticed references to a technique that I haven’t heard of before: DEILD

Has anyone tried this recently and would you recommend it?

It seems a waste of time…

I didn’t know this existed :razz: But I’ve accidentally done this once or twice (at least the “waking up with your eyes closed” part).

Worked for me, but as I said, accidentally, as I had no idea.

Why a waste of time? If it works you can chain LD’s!

Why is it a waste of time? it seems like a good idea that could work wit ha little practice. anyone have any suggestions on how to wake up after every dream? i know that you can autosugest but is there any particular way? thanks for any help.

This seems like an easy technique :woo:
However it might only work for light sleepers :meh:

how can i teach myself to wake up and not to move when i sleep? Autosuggestion?

Not really. This technique is a favorite of mine and not moving isn’t as important if you can still fall asleep quickly. Basically DEILD is like trying to incubate a lucid after an almost full night’s sleep. Not really just for light sleepers, and definitely not a waste of time.

Woke up this morning with my eyes closed :razz: Wasn’t even trying DEILD, but remembered it.

There is already a topic about this, the link is in the first post. :cool: