Well… Lastnight I because fully lucid for the first time, well… I’m pretty sure I did. I hadn’t been recording dreams or trying to get lucid at all lately as I’ve had alot of exams so it was quite unexpected.
It happened after some very traumatising events in the dream that had left me with no legs, just stumps. I went to tell my mum what had happened to my legs, but in dreams she is usually an enemy. Lastnight was no exception, she was drinking and laughing when I told her about it, and she did not reply.
Then I became fully aware that I was in a dream (I don’t know how or why) and I knew that I was in actual fact asleep in my bed right at that moment, but I still felt very upset and scared by the dream and I found it impossible to keep calm. So instead I just tried to remember some things to do while lucid, and the first was to demand a gift. On my first attempt my throat was stuck and I choked a little, but I tried again. “Give me a present” I said, holding out my hand. And my mum turned dark, cold and empty in a second and said
"I have no presents...(pause)... Anymore".
At that moment I felt completely rejected and wished somebody would kill me, but at the same time I didn’t want to wake up as I wanted to explore the dream world for longer. I pictured a place I wanted to go to escape all that had happened earlier in the dream, it was a beautiful and tranquil countryside. I could see it right ahead… Then I woke up.
I read on this site that you always get a gift when you demand one, does this only work for defeated enemies? In the dream when it didn’t work I made a mental note to come onto the forum and post about it. I hope someone can shed some light on this, and thanks for any feedback in advance.