I’m not writing this post to frighten anyone – especially the new ones who are desperately trying to achieve lucidity. Instead, I am posting this to see if anyone else is noticing this phenomenon recently or if it is just me.
Lately I have been able to achieve lucidity at will, any night I choose. At first I needed my EFT technique to do this, but after I quit practicing the technique, desired-lucidity is practically effortlessly achieved.
However, this doesn’t seem to be such a wonderful thing lately. During lucid dreams, I start to feel a strange presence. It feels that I am being watched or observed by an in-human presence.
Lately, my lucid dreams end up with demonic encounters, usually in sleep paralysis following the dream. For example, recently I had a demonic baby in black robes laying next to me crying a terrifying scream – this was the least miserable of my recent encounters as I felt no pain from this experience, but just terror.
Last week I was sexually assaulted by a giant demonic looking white rabbit while I was in sleep paralysis and needless to say, that was painful. It felt very real and very, very painful. If it wasn’t already painful enough, the sheer terror was hard enough to deal with for the duration.
Last night I was attacked by two small imps with wings and horns, whose only details seemed to be composed of a cloudy, black substance. Each strike with their claws against my chest sent waves of pain through both my physical and astral bodies. In fact, I can’t even describe any physical pain I know of that can amount to the insane intensity of the pain I felt here. It was so intense that I found myself praying out loud to God to help me banish these demons. Fortunately he listened.
Now, I am not a religious person at all. I don’t even consider myself Christian. That should paint a picture to you of how desperate I was to get out of this situation.
I have been lucid dreaming for years and have practically zero demonic encounters that were this serious. It seems like just recently now that my lucidity is reaching peak potential that hostile entities are taking interest in me.
Are they real in the sense they really exist outside of my physical brain or are they projections of my imagination that are created during sleep paralysis? If they are real, what do they want from me?
I’m not sure what’s causing these, but I did start taking medication for my ADHD a while back… I wonder if it’s related.
Moved from Quest for Lucidity