Demonic Attacks

I’m not writing this post to frighten anyone – especially the new ones who are desperately trying to achieve lucidity. Instead, I am posting this to see if anyone else is noticing this phenomenon recently or if it is just me.

Lately I have been able to achieve lucidity at will, any night I choose. At first I needed my EFT technique to do this, but after I quit practicing the technique, desired-lucidity is practically effortlessly achieved.

However, this doesn’t seem to be such a wonderful thing lately. During lucid dreams, I start to feel a strange presence. It feels that I am being watched or observed by an in-human presence.

Lately, my lucid dreams end up with demonic encounters, usually in sleep paralysis following the dream. For example, recently I had a demonic baby in black robes laying next to me crying a terrifying scream – this was the least miserable of my recent encounters as I felt no pain from this experience, but just terror.

Last week I was sexually assaulted by a giant demonic looking white rabbit while I was in sleep paralysis and needless to say, that was painful. :meh: It felt very real and very, very painful. If it wasn’t already painful enough, the sheer terror was hard enough to deal with for the duration.

Last night I was attacked by two small imps with wings and horns, whose only details seemed to be composed of a cloudy, black substance. Each strike with their claws against my chest sent waves of pain through both my physical and astral bodies. In fact, I can’t even describe any physical pain I know of that can amount to the insane intensity of the pain I felt here. It was so intense that I found myself praying out loud to God to help me banish these demons. Fortunately he listened.

Now, I am not a religious person at all. I don’t even consider myself Christian. That should paint a picture to you of how desperate I was to get out of this situation.

I have been lucid dreaming for years and have practically zero demonic encounters that were this serious. It seems like just recently now that my lucidity is reaching peak potential that hostile entities are taking interest in me.

Are they real in the sense they really exist outside of my physical brain or are they projections of my imagination that are created during sleep paralysis? If they are real, what do they want from me?

I’m not sure what’s causing these, but I did start taking medication for my ADHD a while back… I wonder if it’s related.


Moved from Quest for Lucidity :tardis:

I don’t know. I’m not religious either so I would say and I believe in that, that this only a part of your imagination. Maybe I’m completely wrong but that’s my opinion.

I don’t know what kind of “power” you have in this kind of situation but try to confront them, those demonic beings and see what they want if you are able to do that, if not try to break from SP as quickly you can or you can become more accustom to those attacks and I don’t know…

I guess I would go through this like with any other problem… I would confront it. I know that SP experiences can be fuck*** scary and scary but I had few of those and I was scared as I don’t know what but after those I kinda smile, maybe it’s just me but at the end it all comes to what I believe and I don’t see any problems in that, it’s just dreams[bad dreams] or bad SP experiences…

I’ve never experienced pain or demonic attacks or anything like this during SP, but like dB_FTS I doubt that they are real. They are part of your imagination, mind you, such experiences don’t seem that uncommon during the state of SP.

I would suggest you to take medical advice about your ADHD medication, maybe the doctor knows something about nightmeres/hallucinations it might cause. :smile:

I’ve had this before, mainly in HI’s of being assulted by demons. And, in some semi-lucid dreams, I am generally in some sort of demonic dangers. Now, I would say I am a religious person, and do believe in actual demons, but I doubt this is real in your case. It could be, but who knows. I always heard that SP is accompanied by scary images/sounds - the old hag, right?

Some people say by smiling and laughing will make the demons Vanish, I am a beginner but the reason why I think this is because demons and devils feed from the fact that you are frightened , this is just a guess but I hope my guess is right. Try laughing and smiling as much as you can next time this happens. 1 of my friends told me that he did that and they all vanished and he finally entered his dream…

Oh I just remembered that I watch some video where they said that when we are in SP that a part of the brain that is responsible for fear is active and if we add our own fear to that then SP can be extremely scary experience…

Maybe you should look on the internet about more scientific explanation… Good luck!

Hey Darxide,

I’ll start by mentioning what I’ve learned from sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis (SP) can involve anything from no hallucinations to extreme hallucinations. Throughout history many of the recorded demonic possessions and alien abductions can be traced back to sleep paralysis. Paintings, literature, and ideas such as succubis are very much related to hypnogogic hallucinations (read more here: which occur during SP.

SP occurs so you don’t act out your dreams while you sleep. You probably know most of this from research. If not, research some of this stuff!! - it will help.

Much of the time these hallucinations are a manifestations of fears, or just part of a severe hallucination that gets worse through panic and fear. One might here a buzzing noise or see shadows.

There are a few things you should do that can help.

  1. The first is calm yourself in this state and not panic. Panic might cause you to hyperventilate and feel pain in your chest from the constriction of muscles .

  2. When I’ve had dreams where I was attacked I decided to imagine a white light of love around the being and me. Love is a powerful energy that warms the soul and scares any real or fake demons through dissipating your fears and empowering yourself. Most of the time negative creatures (if they truly exist) fear love and positive energy.

  3. You can imagine a strong energy barrier (any color of your choice) forming around your body before you sleep. Imagine it growing in thickness, and set the intent of this barrier to keep you safe while you sleep. Every time you breath in imagine strong positive energy collecting, then when you breathe out imagine this energy becoming part of the barrier.

It took me a while to realize that we as beings are powerful by merely understanding our power. We are indestructible beyond the physical, and our energy body can’t be harmed unless we believe that it can be. Even then, it is only our fears and anxieties constricting us. Even if a creature tries to use our fear; fear starts from within…

Hope this helps. If you wan’t to know more don’t hesitate to send me a message, I’d love to help. Also some things you can do with SP are have an Out-of-Body experience (OBE), and enter a lucid dream from it.

Also, I recommend meditation for ridding yourself of anxieties, be it when you sleep or when you are awake. (try meditation in your dreams - you get some cool results :grin: )

nah its not just you bro, believe me i feel you

Ask them what they represent and what they want.

These may be repressed traumas, old fears never faced. It is common for these things to manifest as aggressive or otherwise hostile entities i n the dream state. It may be very difficult, but if you approach them with compassion and understanding, you could get a pleasant surprise.

Dreaming a much more than a “sandbox” (although playing around and indulging in fantasy are wonderful), it is a state in which un-integrated personality traits and repressed traumas can make themselves physically known. From what I’ve read, what you’re experiencing is fairly normal.

Best of luck, let me know how it goes!

I am positive that the demons are in fact not real. When you are in sleep paralysis don’t even bother open your eyes and look what is there. It will just trigger your fear. In one of my sp i could move my arms, so i looked at the hallucination and showed my middle finger and laughed a little. It made him disappear and shortly after i woke up.

Sleep paralysis can be extremely scary. Whats worse is that once you begin getting scared, it just gets worse and worse. A positive feedback loop that isn’t supposed to happen.

I’ve had some scary SP ebcoubters as well. Its not like running into trouble during an LD, since you cabt really do anything about it.

Sorry for any mistakes, on a phone.

heres an idea- i recently read about character assisted lucid dreaming, what if you made a character to protect you from things like that? when you get an attack like this just think “(name here) help me!” or something like it,and hope it works

Even if this isn’t your imagination the demons are still playing a gamble by going directly in your dream world, a place where you have absolute control (at least in theory)

Try to confront, or even better, kill them, that’ll ought to teach them a lesson.

If they’re real, mind you.

My first LD that I ever had which only lasted a few minutes was broken up by a dark shadowy figure.
I had the same feeling… as though it realized that I was concious in the dream and as though it was just waiting for that moment to take over my conciousness.
Almost like my subconcious was just waiting to possess me and that this evil wanted to take over my concious mind.
Since then ive only had 2 other LDs… and the last one I encountered a few angry dogs which attacked me.

I would think that it has something to do with your waking life… something that is coming out in your dreams or maybe your fear of the demons makes it stronger.
Maybe in WL if you think about something that would kill these demons… just make something up or picture yourself as a demon slayer that maybe it will transfer over into your LD.
I’ve noticed my more positive attitude in WL had been effecting my NDs and making them more positive as well.

And vice versa, I’d say.


so have you been able to resolve this problem?

Give all the monsters and scaries hugs and try and have fun with them :smile: evil needs love and tender care too :smile:

Sounds like episodes of night terrors. Have you been stressed about certain things lately? Or just generally stressed if at all?

If you’re getting attacked in the SP stage, it’s likely because you are somewhat panicked from not being able to move. Your emotions have a powerful influence on your dreams. Add to that the desperate rationalization the mind does to try to explain not being able to move. Almost every reason you can come up with is a bad one.

If you are being accosted by something demonic, know that there is nothing they can do to harm you directly. The only thing they can do is trick you into hurting yourself. Everything requires your attention to exist in dreams, including pain. You only feel pain if you take the time to focus on it. Last night I got cut to shreds by a straight razor and didn’t feel a thing, cuz I know better than to focus on it even in non lucids.

If you are encountering something other than yourself, you’ll know it because they are very skilled at manipulating your attention.