DHEA/Melatonin and OBE

What do you think about this article?: robertpeterson.org/OBEClassNotes.html
it also has some graphs about the DHEA/Melatonin proportions during an OBE, interesting sutdy material for OBE induction.

Yeah great, the only problem is that this is once again someone who mistakes LD’s with specific “OBE-like qualities” for the real stuff. Read carefully and you will notice that almost anything he describes is methods for succesful WILD’s.

The way I read the article, the graphs don’t suggest what the Melatonin/DHEA balance are during an OBE… just how the melatonin/DHEA ebb and flow during the day.

He is suggesting that the optimum time to OBE is when alertness (the DHEA component) and drowsiness the (Melatonin) are both relatively high in comparison to the rest of the day. ie. the early hours of the morning. ( I think I got that right? :eek: )

With out going too much into it, I had read OBE literature before I had heard of WILD, so I would have said that a WILD is a OBE… not the other way around!! But yes, OBE and WILD do share many characteristics, and you can’t help to think if they are one in the same thing.

I agree with both of you, first i didn’t get the melatonin/DHEA graph but el sortilego seems to explain it in a clear way!