Did I get close to an LD?

I woke up this morning and I started to do a WILD. I kept repeating to myself “I am dreaming. This is a lucid dream,” over an over. I got to the point where I couldnt feel my legs but i could still move them. After a while, my vision kind of went white and I felt this pressure all over my body and my heartrate increased. It then stopped. I went in and out of these crazy images where i would look around but then the image stopped. They felt kind of weird like I was light? I then got woken up… Why fingers started twitching for a while??? Can you explain what happened?

The images are hard to explain. It felt like I was watching someone walk by and I felt a little lightheaded and then the image stopped and I felt fine.

Stacked posts edited together… :tardis:

All the usual signs of hypnagogic hallucinations and sleep paralysis, dont worry about it, keep doing what you are doing and you will get there!

sounds like the beginings of SP
Interesting that it hit your legs first, last night
when I was imagining dreaming my legs went… fuzzy? it
felt like they were attached to my body but were not my own.

Felt sleepy and was about to nod off then POW
cat jumps on bed , breaks concentration, no dreaming at all rest of night :sad: