Did I LD

I had a dream last night that was really clear. I made decisions in my mind that I wanted to happen and they did. However, when I woke up, I felt as if I didn’t control them. I remember puting the thought of what I wanted to happen in my head, and then it happening, but it seems like I dreamed that and I didn’t actually do this on my own. When you wake up from an ld, do you feel the same way?

I really wanna go back to sleep now but I can’t :grin:

Hi Tsmooth, welcome to LD4all :welcome:

While there is some a debate and a fine line seperating LD’s from FLD’s, a good rule of thumb is what you were thinking. If you ever thought “hey, I’m dreaming!” it is a lucid dream. Control is separate from lucidity. In a low lucid dream (i.e. low awareness of the fact you are dreaming) it’s not uncommon to feel like your weren’t truly in control and that you were just going with the flow.

I do remember telling my friend who was there that I was dreaming, but it doesn’t make sense cause he probably has no idea what lucid dreaming is, but I know for a fact that I knew I was dreaming in the dream, because I was constantly changing things at will.

So if what you’re saying is…I just had my first lucid dream.

I feel like I just got an award and need to thank people… I guess I’ll start with everyone on ld4all because without this site I definitely never would have achieved this lucid dream!

I’m very happy now because i did WBTB, but I didn’t do anything LD related. I think I may have had LD thoughts as I went to be a second time, but I’m not sure. However I’m definitely going to try WBTB more and more.

I can’t describe my happyness right now :woo:

I’m happy for you :content:

Like said, it is somewhat debated and some might say that it was an FLD, but from everything you described it certainly sounds like one. Also, remember it’s not about control or actions. You can control the dream in an FLD as well. But again, as long as you had that thought of “I’m dreaming,” you were lucid. Now make sure to keep up with it! As you get more experienced your lucidity keeps going up and you’ll eventually get some good control. Congrats again :content: