Did you ever did this...?

Well I never LD yet, but I hope I do sometime in my life. My first try was just yesterday and it didn’t happen to me (at least I don’t think) so it was a dream but I guess I didn’t realized it was a dream.

Anyways I was wondering did anyone ever like LD and actaully looked at their body while doing it? Is this possible?

Like being outside your body, being able to look down at it? That is an OBE, where you leave your body, and can fly around.

I haven’t done it, but I would think it’s possible (almost anything is possible in your dreams). I sometimes dream that I see myself from the outside (kinda like watching a movie with myself in it) so I don’t see why you wouldn’t be able to do that in an LD as well.

I never saw my own body during a LD, but I known it’s possible and some people did it on the forum.

I moved your question in the First Steps forum, cause this kind of “Is it possible to do this in LD’s?” question is best located here.

well, Im not sure if I understood your question. but theres been some times when I can actually see my body sleeping, while Im in an LD, I can also sort of feel my body laying down as well as my dream body, very weird feeling, but doesnt happen too often.

Im sure it could be done but you could be falling in a OBE experience without wanted it.

I’ve done that before, Saori. Weird sort of duality, isn’t it? If you try, you can feel your real body in bed…that scares me when that happens, because I feel like I might wake up. I don’t want to get in touch with reality so soon. :happy:

This happened to me once but only in a normal dream, I was sitting in a car and saw myself through the window.