Last night I didn’t have a lucid dream. Things seamed to go a bit wrong.
I set my alarm for 5am. For some reason, I woke up naturally at 3am, so I decided to switch on my computer and look at the swirly thing for 5 minutes or so, and then I went back to bed.
Then my alarm went off at 5am, and I got up, went down to the toilet, and then went straight back to bed. No lucid dream at all. So it is true, for me at least, that more time is needed awake before going back to sleep, because when I did it the night before, I was active for an hour before going back to bed, and I became lucid (although only low level, because it was my first) very easily.
I now realise I should have done one of the following two things:
1 - Decided to unset my alarm clock, and use the 3am awake time to be active for a long time, going online, doing the swirly thing, all for a total of at least half an hour or maybe an hour.
2 - Instead (and I think this would have been the best option personally), I could have ignored the fact that I had woken up earlier than anticipated, and just stayed in bed and gone back to sleep, and then when my alarm woke me up at 5am, done what I had originally intended, being active for an hour or whatever.
But I think either of those options would have given better results than what I did do, because I probably need more time awake before going back to sleep. I guess different things work for different people, but for me, only being awake briefly did nothing at all, the end result was as if I’d just stayed asleep all night.
Oh well, this is what it’s all about, trying different techniques out and seeing which works best.
I think the main reason that my first lucid dream (the night before) was so brief and low level, was simply because it was my first one, that I wasn’t experienced in how to properely control the dream once I had become concious of it. It’s probably just a case of keep on trying and then I will get better and better at it.
So it’s like there’s always too issues with regards to lucid dreaming, firstly, how to get lucid in the first place, and secondly, how to control the dream and stay lucid for a considerable amount of time. Both are probably just a matter of practice.