Different styles of flying

You can fly around properly with airbending… You just make the air around you push you where you want to go, you don’t just float around… because that would, as you said, be boring! :tongue:

In my first LD I flew in a way I call the Magneto way :cool_laugh: I put my arms pointing down, and felt them thrust me upward from my palms, but I was only able to hover.

Then I also flew imagining I was sitting in somehting, but I did not see it, I only felt it under me.

. . . Destroying everything around ? :eek:

@ -Juanelm-
I heard about flying in invisible car - that one seems to be simmilar

in one of my LD’s i was trying to fly, i would try to take off by jumping but i kept hitting the ground. so then i go the idea of asking one of the random people i was with if he had any of the magic dust that peter pan uses and then got my happy thought (which was that i was lucid :razz:)…unfortunatly it didnt work. if anyone tries this and it works i guess it could be a new technique tho…The Peter Pan Technique! :happy:

Oh wow, I forgot all about this topic…

And I’ve noticed that object assisstance seems to include many things, maybe I’ll add subcategories to it

I will fly in my lucid dream. The first lucid thing I will do. I want to use the wind to fly.

I would like to know if the Peter Pan style would work. Just without the “Faerie dust” or whatever.

It is more of a diversion of a way than a way, because the dust would be the “Object assistance” methoud. Without the dust, it is the “Nothing” method. But can it be done, with such precision as in the movie, or in “Kingdom Hearts” (PS2 Game)?

Superman style tends to work well for me, and I’ve been getting better and better at the Nothing style. Recently though, I had an idea… I’m pretty stinkin good at telekinesis in dreams, and moving myself that way is still kinda iffy…

So it hits me one day – Why don’t I just use telekinesis to move the entire environment around me relative to where I want to go?

So I tried it and it works pretty good! Imagine yourself as a stationary point and move your surroundings around you. Relative to your surroundings, you’ll be the one moving. Steering is a little difficult, but it’s amazing for taking off and covering long distances very quickly.

Try it guys, see if it works for you too! :smile:

I did a superman one once and i totally agree how hard it is to steer!
But the best is definately growing wings, so easy and so much fun!

I usually use a combonation of the jump and spreading arms.

What about jumping from something high? like out of a window. Spread your arms and fly. I have used this :smile:

Why the entire environment and not just a building or something? After all, Newton’s Third Law states that any force you apply to the building will be applied to you, but in reverse. (If you want to move something big without moving yourself, you can always “brace” your movement against the environment.)

I use capes and the wind, I don’t so much fly as glide from air current to air current, letting the warm air push me up as high as it will take me and then gliding along to the next.
For some reason I always seem to get in trouble whilst I’m flying, last time people started shooting at me, claiming that I was a vampire! (granted, I was a vampire, but that’s not the point!)

I had one LD so far and one of the first thing I tried was flying. It’s kind of strange. I didn’t think of any specific technique I just took off. :smile: I didn’t get above tree high though but IIRC I didn’t even try it. I then mentaly drifted off while flying and woke up. :sad:

i sometimes fly like a missile or supper man i also like to breaststroke and kick my butt at the same time sometimes i lay down and eliminate gravity

I have used object assistance once and the object was a balloon. Yea it was a bit slow but totally fun. Hard to steer though. I usually just glide and I seem to go fast enough and to be able to steer.

when i flew in an ld once i didnt have to do anything and i couldnt steer
i just banged into stuff and changed directions

In my childhood LD’s either I used the Nothing method or a variation where I hovered over the ground and moved the ground really fast below me until I was at my destination instead of me flying.

The only flying technique I have ever used (I have only had one LD) was the ‘growing wings’ one. I had to conjore a mirror so I knew I actually had wings (they were dragon wings) and for my 10 seconds of lucidy, it was excellent. Then I started to fade out into another dream. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

My favourite styles of flying are supermen and transfer wave, which I call “Wind” :content: . Wind is very easy to achieve for me. I can control a speed of my Wind and form. The Wind can transform itself into flying platform or magic carpet etc.