Im trying to use the WILD techniqe of entering my dreams. I close my eyes and look at the hypnagogic images before me. I try the “1, im dreaming; 2, im dreaming…” counting technique to concentrate, an I am relaxed. But after 10 minutes, i guess i must get bored of it and fall asleep without noticing it. For me it seems like once i close my eyes and intend to fall asleep its more like a passive process than an active one, either i passively fall asleep or lie there trying to actively enter my dreams with little success. Then i wake up in the morning and think “son of a explitive, i fell asleep again without noticing it!” It sounds like a relatively easy concept, look at the images in your mind and wait for REM sleep to occur or something, but i dont feel any vibration or noise like many other people say occurs. What am i doing wrong, is it my dream recall, or maybe its just that im trying too hard?
In what position are you lying in?
I know by own experience that lying on the side will make me fall asleep in very short time.
I think its because ive been sleepin in this position my whole life so my body will instantly know that i want to fall unconsciously asleep.
Lying on the back is much better for WILD attempts.
Also for OBE.
The problem that can arrise with this posture is that you will get boored or you will say to yourself “this is not fun, uncomfortable” etc.
And after you tell yourself this you move to a sideposition and fall asleep.
My advice is for you to be lying on your back.
And dont give up, if you feel that nothing is happening then dont move a muscle, try not to move anything.
Dont have the intention of falling asleep, have the intention of shutting down your waking body so you can get away from it.
Try something like walking in a mall before you try a WILD and try to get as much visual vivid images as possible from that place.
Really scan the area, the people etc.
Then when you do the WILD, try to reanimate that event in your mind, that you are walking around in the mall.
Just focus on you walking around in the mall and say to your self “1 im dreaming, 2 im dreaming”.
Dont try to force vivid images, just have the mind like “i dont give a shit, i just want to fool around with imagination”.
Trying to force the lucid state will almost always backfire.
That most true with OBE attempts.
And btw, the most important thing todo is to practice on making your body relax. Relaxing exercices.
You cant walk out of the waking world without shutting down the waking body.
Ire doing it all quite right.Wils isnt the easiest technique and its pretty normal to fall asleep while doing it. Why you fail?one of the reasons is allready above,secondly it just might be not a proper technique for you.Like myself-i never ever had any success with WILD.All my lds were just the result of keeping the intentions,diary and rcs,shortly saying MILD. Give it some time,see how you go ,if nothing changes dont worry,in time you
ll find what works for you best.
good luck:)
Usually when i fall asleep during WILD it’s because i let my thoughts on the loose so they lure me into the ‘non-ontological’ world. I could try to tie me to a mast like odysseus…but that will convince them for sure that i’m crazy. A trick that usually works is holding something in your hand and placing it over the edge of your bed, so when you drop it it makes a noise that could bring you back to the land of the lucid.
If you give it a little practice you also could use meditation: First bring your attention to the space between the eyebrows. Remain in that space for several breaths, or up to a couple minutes. Bring your attention to the throat center and visual there a moon. Remain in that space for up to a couple minutes. Bring your attention to the space between the breasts, the heart center, and allow your awareness to empty completely of any images, impressions, thoughts, sensations, or other experiences. Just go deep into the stillness and silence.
that’s so true logorat, i can never fall asleep when i’m on my back so i try to do WILDs by laying on my side and end up falling asleep
hmm… i might have to give it another shot
Æzen, the drop book thing is BRILLIANT!! WHY HAVEN’T I THOUGHT OF THIS BEFORE?! THANKS!! ah this method may not be as foolproof as i initially thought… but it sure is creative! I’ll try it tonight!
By the way shouldnt this post be moved into the big WILD topic? Your idea would do a lot better in there.
I think WILD is a great idea. It hasn’t worked for me yet - I usually get to the point where the tingling sensation becomes unbearable and have to turn over. A little bit more willpower would go a long way. I also tend to become stressed at still being awake after an hour and a half, knowing that I have to get up for work or whatever, which then makes it more unbearable. One of the suneye methods worked for mewhen I tried it - staying awake all night and trying to keep awake the next day.When I finally went to bed I had an LD.
Holidays are coming up so hopefully more time to try WILD again.
Keep on trying.
hmmm i have only puled this off onvce but everytime i fail it i am awake for the rest of the night. Brain is just a little to awake