Diffrent house smells..

I dont know if anyone has posted this, but I’ve noticed
that every house has its own personal smell.
I tried descibing the smells to the house owners,
but thre was nothing I could relate it to.

Does anyone know why this is?? :confused:

This should probably be posted in the gathering or lucid lounge.
Anyway, yes I have noticed. I think it depends on what is in the house, what type of cleaners they use(if any :tongue: ), how often they clean it, perfumes, pets, etc.

Thank you!

And sorry for posting it in the wrong place…
Kinda new here… :grin:

no problem, it’s moved now :moogle:

No problem, and it’s ok, I’m new too.
I’ve just been reading the forum a longer period of time. :wink:

Oh, thats cool.

yea, it depends on living style of the person.
And people have their own personal smell, not just houses…sometimes when i can’t remember someone i met, i recognize them by smell.