Dig into unrememberable memories possible?

I was thinking about some experiments i wanted to do.
One of them is digging into memories that i do not remember, for example.

I think we have more access to the Brains memory capacity while were asleep, and in a relax state (Hypnotised state)

I wanted to try something that Derren Brown did (His Memory Palace) kind of technique.

Just not to save things that can be looked up on a later time.

But i want to try creating an object, where you for example place a TV with a Memory, that you can play like a Flashplayer.

By that creating a “Playlist” of memories that we currently have no access to.
This list should be memories that we did experience, just somehow locked away from young age.

Some people with Photographic Memory have access to Memories they got from when they were still in the Foetus.

I was also thinking of developing a Activating the Skill to Photographic Memory using LD’s

Anyone had any experiences with this?
Share ideas too please!

Very interesting idea! Personally I’ve had no experience with accessing memories through lucid dreams, but I do think it could be possible. My only concern is: when you’re ‘watching’ your forgottten memories, how do you know they’re actually your memories, and not just something your mind has made up? But still an awesome thing to try! Please, keep me updated :wink:

Love, Lillyth.

A personal experience with recalling forgotten memories (I know this is long, bear with me :content: )

A few weeks ago I had an ND in which someone offered me a drink called ____. I had some, it was a flavor I had never tasted before, but if I had to describe it I would say hot cinnamon. In the dream and for about 5 minutes after waking up I could remember the name of the drink, but after that I completely forgot it. This all happened about 2 weeks ago.

Two days ago, I went downstairs to my basement and happened upon an old poster that I hadn’t looked at for a long time. It was a liquor poster, and said “Hot Damn! Cinnamon Schnapps.”. After looking at it for few seconds, I suddenly remembered that “Schnapps” had been the name of the drink in the dream (also, remember I said it tasted like cinnamon :wink: )

I’ve never had this drink IRL, and I’ve never really paid attention to this poster except for seeing it a few times, yet my subconcious remembered the exact name of the drink and even made up a flavor to go with it that was accurate to the rest of the poster (the “cinnamon” part). This leads me to believe that Xaren’s idea is very possible.

I’ve been trying to get lucid, but I’ve been so tired lately that my dream recall is way down :grrr: . I’ll try to look into this further the first chance I get and will post any further discoveries I make.