Digital Voice Recorders

I have trouble writing my dreams out during the weekdays and was wondering what other members thought of Digital Voice Recorders. Whether or not they’re as useful as writing, or as effective.

I already keep a written journal by jotting down notes when I wake up and transferring it into my dream journal when ever I find the time. The problem is I sometimes find myself missing important details that I know were there but can’t for the life of me remember what they were.

I’m sure there’s been a topic like this somewhere in the past, but I wasn’t able to locate it so…
Any comments? :help:

I noticed that normally just really thinking of the details of my dreams as soon as I wake up ca be enough for me to remember them until I find the time to record them… With really thinking I mean “verbalizing and organizing” them in my mind instead of keeping them as they feel… like

  1. Wake up in my friend’s house
  2. found out pink rabbits have stolen the oven
  3. discovered that pink rabbits are crocodiles
  4. etc…

The more precise, the better… so I think recording them could help even more… too bad someone stole my recorder.

That’s what I was thinking. I write down key words and phrases like how you organise them in your mind, but whenever I go to write them down, I can’t help but feel as though I’m forgetting something, or something I do remember isn’t as clear as it was when I jotted my note down that morning.

Wait, so you mean you used to use a Voice Recorder? Did you find that more effective and easier to use than your other method?

I would have tried to if I still had it… sorry

I have never tried one of these but I think it would be more effective. Sure jotting down notes is good but like you said you don’t really get everything, with a voice recorder you can input pretty much everything you remember as soon as you wake up. Less chance of forgetting something than if you’re just writing notes. If you’re up for a while, there’s a large chance some fragments of the dream will fade, anyway.

Never tried it, but it might be worth a shot.

Well I was getting one anyway, so I may as well try it.

Thanks for the feedback! :content:

I generally just use notes and keywords if I don’t want/have time to write a dream out but want to make sure I remember as much as possible.

A Voice recorder could work, but I,personally, always find I can be more detailed in the written word than I can vocally.

I completely agree, that’s why I always rewrite my notes later on when I have time. I was just thinking that I could use the voice recorder for my notes when I wake up, listen to it later on, and from that write a detailed journal entry.