(DILD) An interesting read

Hello. this morning I had my 9th DILD it went down like this- I was in the back of my house and saw the full moon. I then instantly remembered we are in the moonless part of the month and checked my water proof watch that I wear 24/7 and the seconds were going 2 by 2 or 3 so I stood there quietly and touched the floor then rubbed my hands together and flied for 3 seconds then woke up but I was able to keep my eyes closed and tried DEILD but I laid there for 10 mins. and I knew it takes only seconds to re enter the dream so I rolled over and went to sleep. How can I increase vividness and duration? also next time id rather walk I dont know why I decided to fly…

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There are, of course, the common tricks like spinning and rubbing hands just as you did. You maybe shouldn’t… expect the dream to fade, or to wake up.

To increase vividness and stability you could try commanding your dream by shouting “Give me clarity!” or “Give me stability!”. You could also ask it to give you those things nicely if you feel that would work better. Another method for increasing vividness and stability is to lick things. By licking things you stimulate your senses in an unusual way that helps you become more immersed in your dream world. There are plenty of techniques out there, some of which you may create yourself.

As for the flying thing, I’m not sure how to help you there. Maybe you ended up flying because your subconscious wanted you to fly. If so, I think the key is to learn to balance your conscious control with your subconscious’s influence.

Please be patient. I’m sure most threads will receive responses if you give them some time.

Thank you both. I will attempt licking a person.