dild question

Whenever i dream i always get to a point where i realize something is weird but i just say ah whatever and the dream proceeds. Is there anyway to remeber to do and rc during the dream. Or should i just keep doing a few throughout the day and tell myself to remeber to do rcs.

Just keep doing them throughout the day and eventually you’ll do them in your dreams. It helps too to make sure you do them when something strange or unusual happens.

As time goes on, your brain will get used to you doing an RC when strange things happen, and you’ll notice strange things in a dream.

Just keep doing what you are doing and let it come. If you want, increase the frequency of your RC. Good Luck :smile:


I’m the same, My self awareness is really low, A few nights ago, I dreamt this teenager threw a car at me. I should of realised that no kid can pick up a car… :sad:

That’s not that bad, I’ve had worse. I had a divine teacher throw a giant boulder at me, right after telling me I need to stop trying to recall my dreams so hard. I’ve also had a really cheesy FLD in which I thought I was lucid, but couldn’t control a thing, not even my own body. I started floating around, breaking things and running everywhere. That was quite frustrating. :tongue: But I’m going to start meditating and I’ll do RC’s. Then that will improve! :content:

Remember, with your RC’s , REALLY check your reality. We sometimes get complacent and just rush through them, but CRITICALLY decide whether you are dreaming or awake… or else, you may do an RC in a dream and state that you’re awake. :happy: