Could someone tell me about the DILD method. I saw it mentioned before in the forum and I didn’t know what it meant. Or could somebody at least point me to a site that would explain it? Thanks. ‘dReWWw’
DILD is when you have a ND but then suddenly you realize that you are dreaming because you see a dream sign, randomly notice you are dreaming, or do a RC because you made it second nature. This leads to a LD
There’s some info on DILD here.
It simply means being inside of a dream and getting lucid off of something you realize isn’t quite right. Even if it wasn’t that strange and you just figured out it wasn’t RL, then that’s DILD.
There’s tons more info on the site.
Good luck, Andrew!
I was pretty much going to say what Dreman just said. Since a DILD stands for “Dream Induced Lucid Dream,” that doesn’t exactly mean there is a technique for practicing it. Instead, they occur spontaneously in your sleep, such as when you finally notice that something is a bit odd, or you do a reality check and realize that you’re dreaming. As for me, all of my lucid dreams have been DILDs, so it seems a bit popular with my SC.
This is kinda confusing. How would you know something is out of whack in your dream. And how how would you remember to do a reality check. Do you practice reality checks in reality so much, you just begin to do it in your dreams??? Should I start doing reality checks in reality even though I know I’m not dreaming???
When you perform RCs, you always have to be open to the fact that you could be dreaming. Saying you will do them when you know you aren’t dreaming is setting yourself up for failure … because in the dream you could tell yourself it is just a routine waking RC.
Well everytime you DONT notice that something is out of whack, train yourself during waking hours to notice it next time.
Things happen during normal dreams that your highly suggestive mental state makes an excuse for so you still think it is real life. The trick to DILDs is to train your mind to recognise these events and tell yourself that your dreaming.
The next time that you do something in a dream that cant be done in real life, keep telling yourself next time something like that happens, you will do a reality check.
I leave my LDing up to DILDs, I dont do RC’s or any induction method. I have a reasonable number of DILDs a month so I dont see the need. And plus LDs are way more better if they come out of nowhere and supprise you, induction methods you know your going to have one.
andrewfp90, DILD means for the many non-WILD techniques.
With WILD, you try and enter a dream consciously from the waking state. With DILD, you realize you’re dreaming once you are in a normal dream.
There are many WILD techniques (counting, repeating a mantra, listening to music or a tape or CD, focusing on differents things like phosphenes, the falling feeling, imagining you climb a rope or walk stairs, etc.)
There are many DILD techniques too. The main ones are: autosuggestion (repeating a sentence); Pr Stephen LaBerge’s MILD (that is autosuggestion plus remembering dreams and imagining you become lucid in them); Pr Paul Tholey’s critical reflexive method (RC’s); finding an object in dreams.
I hope it clearer now.
You can get the gist of it by just reading the DILD definition…underlined in posts, just highlight it.
DILD is what works for me!!!