is there a way to induce lucidity in a dream, when at first you are indeed not lucid…like DILD (dream initiated lucid dreaming)? is there such thing? most of my dreams pan out this way. either i have a dream, and i notice it way to late and just remember i had been dreaming, or some circumstance brings me lucid. i don’t ever recall having to use reality checks conciously to become lucid…it just happnes. or is this just another case of practice makes perfect and the more reality checks i do throughout the day, the more i will preforme them in my dreams.
Doing more RCs never hurts unless you just do them out of habit instead of thinking and questioning. While you may not actually use a RC in your dream to become lucid, it will help IMO because it teaches you the skills to recognize your dreaming. And gives you something to fall back on if you’re unsure if your dreaming. I would have become lucid because of a RC but I woke up as I lifted my arm to do it.
Though I have only had one and a half LDs, and 2 lucid moments, all of the times have come from me simply rationalizing the dream as a dream. Like I see some crazy blue dog fly by, I think to myself, I must be dreaming. My last lucid moment, I was in my old high school in class, and I looked at text and it didnt change. Then I realized that I was in a school room, which I am not attending anymore. That is when I became lucid. So I think that yes, you can induce lucidity by thinking about your surroundings rather than RCs. But I’m sure they are very helpful.
thanks for the help. it is true though: either i don’t really have far fetched dreams, or i don’t remember them (my dream reacall is up to about 1 to 2 dreams per night). most of the things i dream about don’t often feel too strange; that’s why i’ve only been lucid once in my recent memory and have been trying to rely on rc’s. that one time lucidity has hooked me and i look forward to the next time. i just want more consistancy. time will tell.
Doing RCs in real life actually rarely leads to performing one in a dream.But it has definately impact on DILDs.After reading many posts about it i can say that reality check was performed maybe in 10% of cases.But another 90% admits they had Dilds out of it.So ,just keep R checking:)
When I started first trying to lucid dream, I tried reality checks forever and they never worked for me. Most of the lucid dreams I have are ones where I spontaneously realize I’m dreaming. It’s not as often as I’d like, but It does work.
It’s probably been said before, but if you haven’t tried pushing your forearms through one another, I highly suggest doing so. It results in a “dragging” sensation that you have to feel to describe. I’ve also got a question about flying. I can usually run and jump and fly for a few feet, sometimes more, but I end up spinning or flipping and landing against my will. It’s like I can’t concentrate. Do you have to be a VERY experienced lucid dreamer to effortlessly acheive flight? Are there any people here that have just started to lucid dream, and can fly with ease?
Oddly enough, in my first two lucid dreams I realized I was dreaming by reality checks. My first one I looked at my wrist to check the time and realized I wasn’t wearing my watch, which I usually do. My second one I looked at an alarm clock much like mine and looked away, and it changed by a few minutes. Lately though I haven’t had a LD so I wouldn’t know if I become lucid by reality checks most of the time. Only have had three so far.
I have a lot of low level LDs, low enough to know i am dreaming but not enough to trigger lucidity so that i can control the dream.
I just tend to fly instead of walk, i don’t think about it at all. I just make my way towards where i want to go and i realise i’m actually floating/flying.
Maybe that’s where you have problems, your “consciously” trying to get yourself to fly where as i just will myself to go somewhere and accept that i’m flying.
Next time you LD i suggest that you don’t try and fly just assume you are going to fly naturally and occationally look down to see if you are walking or floating, once you are floating don’t get excited about it just try and float higher.
My very first LD came when it suddenly occurred me to do an RC, but I lost that LD pretty quickly.
All my other LD’s (the 2 that I can remember) have been brought on by DILD/MILD…I’ve also had at least 2 many lucid moments (on school nights, when my sleep is much less) without actually taking over the dream (and quickly forgetting that I’m dreaming), whereas the other times I simply suddenly realized “OK, I’m dreaming” and found myself in control of the dream…these have lasted very few minutes and tend to fade away right when I’m getting into the good stuff of the dream (picking up girls, of course).
I actually think that last night, when in my dream I was diagnosed as a schizophrenic (lol), I didn’t realize that I was dreaming simply because the thought of being a schizophrenic is one of my fears…hell, I think I even believe it somewhat!
I have plenty of low-level dreams, where I’m so out of the loop that I can barely activate my criticall faculty; but usually, when I have long dreams, my critical faculty kicks in and I begin to suspect obvious oddities in my dream. One time, I was in my hometown of Washington DC on an overpass of the “ghetto” that I’d NEVER seen before, and probably couldn’t have existed. Then, when I stopped to look at a Metro map, one of the stops was labeled “Our Lady Peace” instead of “Judiciary Square”…yes, I have boring and ridiculous dreams! The worst thing is, I never caught on to the dream…but it just takes time. Try to find a method that works for you, my best one is either fallling back to sleep thinking only about LDs (after waking up once), or best of all just letting it suddenly happen (randomly or via bedtime desires, like MILD)