So I’m kinda new to meditation but not entirely. I have been meditated on So Ham mantra about 4 times and while doing the breathing I start to get a discomfort in my throat. When it happens I try to relax my throat but it already feels relaxed but maybe it really isn’t. After I’m done meditating it goes away within a minute maybe less. I know there are alot of people here that are very knowledgable on medidation and stuff so I’m hoping someone can help me with this. I hope that this is that right place to post this topic too, I’m sorry if it’s not.
Hey, I saw this post when you posted it but I don’t think I can really help… since no one else has posted here I’ll, you know, post.
maybe that can help get people’s attention
But what does it feel like exactly? like a pressure? Maybe it has to do with the position you meditate in? Just guessing. Some people might say it has to do with your throat chakra, but I’m not well informed enough about that to even guess…
Well I just tryed it again to see if i could really put words to how it feels. All I can think of is that my throat feels tense and maybe strained and the longer I do it the more uncomfortable it gets. I try to relax everything but it still feels like something is tense in there. It might even be tension in my jaw that contributes to it, though I try to completly relax it too (I’ve heard that even if it feels relaxed it still holds alot of tension.) When I meditate I am sitting in a chair and I have good posture while doing it as far as I know and can tell (I could have a problem with this too I guess). Also I feel like if I did it alot longer I would get a headache from it.
Have you ever tried meditating in a different position? I usually meditate while I’m laying on my back or in a comfortable lounge chair (sort of).
I’ll give some new positions a try and see how it works.
By the way I thought the diaphramic breathing was supose to become permanate over time and that would mean it didnt really matter what position you are in. I don’t really know though I new to this.
Throat chakra blockage, perhaps?
Alright so I tryed while lying on my back today and I didn’t really feel any discomfort in my throat. I’ll keep experimenting with different positions to see what happens.
If it is a blockage in my throat chakra how would I go about fixing that. I am at a begginer level so I don’t know if it would even be easy to fix.
I would drop the mantra, observe thoughts until they quiet, and then observe the pain in the throat if it’s still there. It’s actually the very first meditation I learned. If you can make the pressure stronger with merely your passive attention on that area, strong enough for it to “pop”, or relieve the pressure in a tickle of subtle energy, then you’ve unblocked it.
There are also other meditations, like visualizing a blue ball of light at your throat spinning brighter and clearer, or visualizing a flower opening, or switching the mantra to "OM’… but I haven’t done those myself.
That is, if this is a subtle energy thing and not actually your posture causing neck pain or something. Some beginner meditators tend to let their heads fall as they relax into meditation, but that puts a lot of strain on the neck that you don’t notice until it starts to hurt.