Distinguishing Between Pure Consciousness and Dream Lucidity

what do you think about this article?:
geocities.com/franzbardon/Pu … usness.htm

it basically says that apart from lucid dreaming -where you manipulate your dreams- there also is a state of awareness inwich you witness the dream or the deepsleep experience without altering it. Witnessing awareness 24/7 (for the persistent ones…)

i.o.w. what are your experiences with witnessing awareness?

Great article! Thanks for posting the link :smile:

Personally I haven’t truly experienced the witnessing awareness yet in my dreams, nor in waking life. But I feel I’m getting closer. In dreams it should be experienced easier, so I might try it out if I remember it :smile:

Nice article, it does remind perhaps to some of us somewhat of lucid living, where you also keep conscious of consciousnes. Pure witnessings however is a state where you also drop the ‘mask’ of the self/ego, so the only thing that is left is the pure self, pure consciousnes. It is therefore also referred to as being ‘empty’, or being the core self. If you want to reach this, in mediation it you can connect to your base chakra energy which holds the key to reaching this pure conscious self. It kind of feels like you connect with the root of your existance.

…what about a chakra\energy\witnessing connection: Because chi and consciousness are linked, clinging to your thoughts creates a barrier of chi energy (emotions as subtle chi) that interferes with the natural chi circulation of your body. Let go of your thoughts and that natural chi energy circulation will reassert itself, or somethin.