distractions while dreaming

i’ve noticed that when i’m sleeping during a school night and either my alarm clock goes off or my mom yells at me to get up i am lucid for about a second. sometimes i say to myself in the dream, “oh i dont wanna get up”. but what if you didn’t have to get up? i guess youd still stay lucid if you just relaxed and focused. has anyone experienced this and could this idea be elaborated?

This is an example of how external signals can cause the conscious mind to wake up from within a dream. Something as loud as an alarm clock or person yelling at you will surely wake you up completely, but for a moment you can still experience the brief lucidity that occurs when the conscious mind becomes active while the body is still asleep.

You can use some more subtle sound cues to acheive this effect without waking up completely. Personally, I use a CD that repeats phrases like “You are dreaming” every few minutes at a fairly low volume. When successful, this has the effect of waking up the conscious mind and initiating a Lucid Dream.

hey atheist, i also had that little voice and i played it but i ended up not having an ld but thats cause i had to turn it off cause i couldn’t get to sleep. however when i woke up i had a really bad migrane but i’ll try it again anyway :eh: are there any other kind of audio things you can download? if so could you point me out to them

Well, of course it’s not going to work if you turn it off before you get to sleep. :grin:

It dosen’t have to be so loud that you can’t get to sleep. Just set it to play quietly, and try not to actively listen to it as you fall asleep. If you want, you can wake up after 6 hours of normal sleep, and THEN start playing it. It’s easier to get to sleep if you just wake up.

I’ve got a few things that I try this with. At the moment, I’m using something called “Brainwave Voyagers” which I downloaded while the site was still up. Now sure if you can still find them online now, but it might be worth purchasing if you can’t get them for free. Not only do these have the “You are dreaming” messages every few minutes, they also have the specialized 97/103 htz brainwave frequency to help you get to sleep.

Apparently though, the best method is to create your own tape. According to a passage in Stephen LaBerge’s book “Lucid Dreaming”, if you record your own messgae, it has more chance of alerting your conscious mind in your sleep. Especailly if you say your name before the actual message. For example, “Stephen, you are dreaming. This is a dream”.

People can detect their name while they sleep, and this causes the rest of the message to get through to you more reliably. Also, if it’s in your own voice, it again triggers your mind more reliably, presumably because there is no way you could be standaing there talking to yourself.

Just give it a go, I highly recommend this to everyone.

i made an mp3-cd with phrases… at the beginning of the cd i have two hours of silence so i wont have trouble falling asleep because of the phrase and then the next 10 hours or so are my message. also the volume of the message is slowly increasing so the sudden sound wont wake me up but get into my mind slowly the louder it gets…

Hey fabi,
I was wondering…how well does your cd work for you…I would like to make one, I just got acid pro 4.0(an audio program) and i want to use it for something. If you read this post then please let me know how your cd is working for you…You too athiest i would like to give this a try if it works for some people.

Take it easy,

yeah, i know acid pro… havent worked with it, but i might in the future.

i have had a couple of lucid dreams before, but i had not known what they were and that you could induce them until about a week ago. the first night after hearing about lucid dreams i made my cd and had about three lucid moments that first night. last night i used a new message that said ‘fabian, you are dreaming. this is a dream’ … and i had about 5-8 lucid moments but i kept waking up. :sad: but i guess that is just cause i need more practice…
so, it seems as if the method was working. :smile:

i strongly suggest you use your first name in the message so it will have a higher chance of getting through to you when you’re dreaming.

hope i was of help. :cool: