I’ve been trying to use hypnogogics (sp?) to go into an LD for the past couple nights. I’ve been using the technique described on pages 98-99 in EWLD. So far, it hasn’t been successful.
I was wondering if it was because of some distractions that are going on in and around my house.
For example, I live very close to Wolf Trap (The second largest opera house in the US), and some of the sound has been coming through into my house. Also, I have an alarm clock with a light that doesn’t turn off. I have turned it down to the lowest level, but even so, it still produces enough light to be slightly annoying. Finally, I am going to a music camp where I play my instrument for 4 hours every day. Usually, some of the music that I have been playing is stuck in my head.
I was wondering if any of those distractions could inhibit my ability to LD through hynogogics (sp?), or is it just that I need more practice?
hahah thats funny i live near worlf trap too, i go to T.J. highschool…anyway
Something I would recommend doing is using the Brain Wave Generator. www.bwgen.com , find a setting for relaxation, and put on the ear phones, then try getting the hypnogogia again. Also, try to stay up very very late, up to the point where you feel the second you close your eyes you will fall asleep. Thats a good part to get hypnogogia. Also try WBTB, wake back to bed, where you attempt it after 5 hours of sleep and 45min of being awake. For the alarm clock…just unplug it or something… And if the Wolf Trap music is still bothering you, just cover your ears with your bed covers/blankets. Hope this helped
personally, i’ve never had a WILD, i’ve tried but i dunno, it just doesn’t seem to work for me. sometimes i’ll be going to sleep and realize that i’m starting to dream but that realization makes me lose it, and i wake back up (i’m also one of those people that takes forever to go to sleep too)
all the LDs i’ve had have been waking up in the dream rather than going to sleep consciously. maybe you should try a the WBTB MILD method, if you can’t get the WILD thing working.
also, i’ve been too lazy to go to wal-mart and find an eyeshade, but my room is soooooooo bright in the morning when the sun comes out, if your alarm clock light is bugging you, you can try using an old t-shirt as a blindfold (either that or getting a real eye shade )
I can relate to that oNeiRoMAnCEr.
The same thing happens to me. Either when I’m entering a dream I’m too conscious (so I wake back up), or not conscious enough (can’t enter the dream lucidly.
And because it takes me so long to fall asleep, especially when trying the back-to-bed part of WBTB, the hour you’re supposed to spend awake ends up being more like 2 hours for me. And this doesn’t really help LDing.
Same voice here, even just hearing the world WILD makes it more difficult for me to fall asleep - I’m happy there is an alternative WBTB - maybe even more efficient than WILD (how many WIL-attempts end succesfully ?).
Fortune Cookie why don’t you try staying awake for half an hour, then you probably end up falling asleep after an hour, just what you need