There is the problem :
Since two days, my dream recall has become unusually low, not to say inexistant. And since two days, there has been roadworks in the street I live in, with very loud and repetitive noises very early in the morning and up to 9 am approximately.
Not only it makes it very difficult to WBTB, but I suspect that there might be a link between the noises and the fact that I loose the memory of the dreams I had (an alarm clock can apparently produce this effect, so roadworks…).
Do you think that outside noises can disturb dream recall?
And would you please know a way to overcome it ? (apart from waiting for the end of the roadworks ?)
I don’t know if outside noises can affect dream recall but they surtenly can influence you’re dreams. So it is quite possible that it does affect dream recall. If you can fall asleep during these noises, maybe that sleep is very light and you don’t have dreams.
But I really don’t know much of these things.
To overcome it, there is always my favorite answer: Shoot those workers , but that will only get you in trouble so perhaps buying some earmuffs and wearing them for the night would help.