Disturbing recurring dream aspect...

I haven’t been having recurring dreams. I don’t think I ever have. But last night and the night before, my dreams, different as they may be, end similarly.

My first dream, I was on death row. And all I remember was I was sitting there thinking about if I’m going to Heaven or Hell. Then it ended. (My dreams are weird. They come up as bits and pieces.)

My second dream, I’m not kidding, I was in this decrepit apartment building and there was a zombie attack. It came in waves, and it ended as I said to someone I know “if I get bitten, shoot me.” I crawled over and Lamont Sanford (Sanford and Son… I’ve been watching it a lot lately, okay?) was sitting on the porch of the apartment building, dressed as a reverend… (I know.) And I said “You’re the only one not bitten? That’s proof that God exists.” The weird part was that I remember a bunch of other people escaping, but that’s what was said. It ended with me praying.

That was really weird. Especially after I learned Demond Wilson actually became a minister after Sanford and Son. My dreams are random and I usually only remember the last minute of each one. (Like those two.) I’m going to wait to see if it does the same thing tonight. But anyone have an idea?

Well you obviously have very deep thoughts over these subjects during your waking life.

And it leaks into your dreams.

Or your subconscious picked it up. :smile:

… Over… Over Sanford and Son?

I’m kidding. Honestly, religion hasn’t exactly been a top subject of thought lately. It pops in every now and then, but I don’t often sit and think about it.