
for some reason, whenever i jump, flip or fly in a LD, i tend to get really dizzy. Does anyone else have this problem, or a way to get rid of it? thanks.

I once got a little nauseus when i flipped backwards. I think you should try to take it easy… fly up realy slowly and/or stay low, and see what happens, and take it from there.

it keeps happening because you’ve made it an expectation in the dream… you need to work on getting over this by not expecting nausea when flying in a dream. it’s a very hard thing to do, but you definitely can.

I’ll try to remember thoughs, thanks for the tips.

If you feel sick in a dream does that mean you can puke in a dream?

If you can puke in a dream do you puke in RL?

If you puke in RL can you choke on your vomit and die?