Dizzy after long LD

I seem to feel a bit dizzy after I have had a long LD or after having several short LDs close together. It usually last for a minute or so and it’s happened 2 times by now. Has anyone else had this?? And what could it be?

I don’t.
But how do you know it’s related to LD’s ? You can have dizziness without LDing…

Nope, nothing like that has ever happened to me.

I’ve only had it after waking up from a long LD and from several short ones. And in sealife chat jeff told me it had something to do with the brain chemistry. I think he said that acetylcholine or something is used when you are dreaming and that could be why I got dizzy :bored: and it might go away when the brain gets used to LDing.

How many times do you have to LD to get sue to it :wink:?

I guess I have to get many long LDs :razz: so far almost all my LDs have been short, except the one today and when I had 4 in a short time last week. And otherwise I just have to live with the dizzyness :crazy:

The other day I woke up feeling pretty dizzy. This was after I had some really good dream recall. It actually lasted a couple of hours for me.

hmm I am usually dizzy when I get interupted by someone when I am in the WILD process. Never after a LD though nocks on wood

I have been dizzy a couple of times if I have been in bed for 10 hours or more. It is easier for me to LD after a lot of sleep. :cool: Sometimes it’s like part of me still is in the dream, and not in bed. It has always gone away after I get out of bed, though.

Well I did sleep 11 hours when I had the long LD :tongue: So maybe that could be contributing. And I haven’t been interupted during a WILD so I don’t know anything about that :neutral: