I had a lucid dream last night. I was in some hall, asked myself if i was dreaming… RC and bam I’m lucid, but then everything becomes so heavy, i feel dizzy, can’t keep my balance and what was weirdest was that on sides of my vision sometimes it would fill with colors (like when light is diverged in prism). That was until i rubbed my hands together and carried on with this quite short LD. My question is why i was so dizzy and if someone had similar experience especially with the colors on side, as they were so bizarre.
I was once drunk in a lucid dream and it was all blurry around the sides of my vision and i had vertigo, spinning around actually got rid of it for me.
I don’t know maybe you got very excited and just got dizzy lol. I once got high in a dream too. It felt pretty weird it felt like I was relaxed and It felt like time was slower. And I started to laugh uncontrollably