The first night I started my DJ, I was all excited about it, so when I woke up in the middle of the night I gladly got up, got my DJ and started writing down my dream.
Now, even though it was just my second night, each time I woke up, I was so tired that I just wanted to go back to sleep… and that’s what I did. Without writing in my DJ. I mean, is that what you’re supposed to do? Write in your DJ every time you wake up? Or do you just go on what you can remember when you wake up in the morning? 'Cause I can remember some stuff from last night … bits and pieces … but that could just be because one of my dreams … really affected me. I can’t stop thinking about it now. Ugh.
You can basically do whatever you want, but it is easy to see that if you write down your dreams each time you wake up, you will remember it more clearly as you write it down, and the act of writing it down helps to remember it better. That being said, I almost never write anything until I am ready to get up. Sometimes I regret that. How many times have I written “I remembered before, but forgot”?
You will simply have to decide what you value more. Getting your rest, or remembering more. You can make little notes to fill in later on, which I am currently trying to get my self to do. Alas, I have little dicipline.
You can also just write down some basic words, that can help you to recall the whole dream later when you are able to write your whole dream.
Or if you have a dictophone, or mp3-player, or phone with dictophone function, you can just record your dream as it takes less time than writing it down. Later you can replay it and write it down to your DJ.
however. the fact is that you essentially can’t be bothered to write in your DJ implies that you’re not enthusiastic about dreaming enough. so one way to get around this, would be to become more enthustiastic about LD’s and dreaming in general. it’s like motivation to do some chore or homework, if you’re interested and motivated enough, you’ll do it right away, otherwise you’ll put it off and put it off because you can’t be bothered.
an excuse i often use for not writing in my DJ in the morning is that i’m too much in a rush to get ready for the day, and don’t have time to do so. so remember to make sure you wake up earlier than you need to so that you have time to write things in the morning. if you’re determined enough to sacrifice sleep in the morning, there’s a good chance you’ll be enthusiastic enough to get up and write in your DJ in the middle of the night. :O)
Just waking up at 3 am, the idea of getting out my journal and writing in it isn’t very “appetizing”. If I had a laptop or something it’d be a lot easier … 'cause I can type about a hundred times faster than I can handwrite, so it’d take like 2 minutes and I could go back to sleep. Plus it helps get my dream down faster so I can write it down before I forget it! (I actually notice I’ll forget some details of a dream while writing down an earlier part of the dream)
Well, I use a recorder to keep my dreams until I can write them down, but before I got my recorder if I was too tired I’d just write down some keywords to help me remember the whole dream.
Just write down what you can, it’s okay to forget little bits and pieces. I’ve found firsthand that if you talk about a particular dream, you tend to trigger more information recalled. Or as you go about your daily activities you could do an action that reminds you of something in your dream and remember something, and even just reading your own dream can trigger something. Write it down as soon as you can (not necessarily in your DJ, just something close to hand that you can write up in your DJ properly later).
Yeah, I experienced that just the other day actually. I was sitting in school and a girl walked into class, and just seeing her reminded me of an entire dream I had had the night before that I had forgotten about (in which she had starred, of course). That was pretty cool
It’s better to write every time you wake up. I usually put little scribbles on my paper… sometimes pictures. Then I shut off my lamp and go back to sleep the next time I wake up, I look at the journal and say “Oh yeah, I remember that” and sometimes “WTF DID I MEAN BY BUBBLE GUM!?”
Lmao, that’s exactly what I’ve been doing lately actually. I just keep some note cards by my bed and jot down little “key words” to help me remember later. I have like three dreams worth of “key words” that I need to convert into actual entries, but I’m too lazy (and busy as of late).
I tried recording my dreams on a tape recorder a while back and I would not recommend it. Whenever I played my recordings back all I would here is “Flugb ugash oiyt snuop…” Just the ramblings of a guy who is half asleep sluring into a microphone.
As has been stated above it is best to write even a few words druing the night to help you recall your dream when you wake up in the morning.