Dj's and turntables! True talent!

Ahs anyone ever seen this before. Thse guys are from france, and in fact won the world championships some year for djing or something…at least that is waht i heard…

But i think this is so cool and sounds so rediculously amazing. This is true talent in my opinion, check it out.

Cool :smile:
Wish my piano skills were as great as their DJ:ing :neutral:

Okay, did a little research:

So, the video is Absesses by Birdy Nam Nam :wink:
It is recorded (if my French still serves me well enough), as closing act of Buisson (whatever that might be :tongue:), specially recorded for Radio Couleur 3 in Lausanne on 20th December 2005.
And you can find their website at

On their website you can listen to some more songs and view some more videos.

I must say, it all is kinda amazing :happy:
well timed and all.
Thx for the link Contage.

That was awesome!

Better than a lot of the music you hear on the radio nowadays.

That is exactly what i thought after listening to that. Why can’t that kind of stuff be on the radio! :sad:

Well, from an individual perspective what they were doing was actually pretty simple. 90% of the time they were just using the crossfade and rewinding a bit.

What astounds me is how in sync they all were with each other - to get such a perfect sound for so long, with a rhythm that precise, is incredible. They must have practised that one song for weeks and weeks and weeks. No wonder they won that team championship! That’s the best team DJing I’ve ever seen! :content:

Well, They are good, very well sync between them and it does sound ok, though it’s not exactly cutting it to my music taste since i by some reason sat and waited for some a bit heavier kicks when the kicks, snare and hi hat were introduced, but the fact that they didn’t loose the slightest grip of what they were doing it’s a quite amazing clip

That was very impressive, although I don’t know how important that is coming from me; I have no musical knowledge in general, or any knowledge of [color=#000000]D[/color]Jing in particular. :tongue:

I agree; since I no longer even bother with listening to the radio all that much nowadays. This is just why so many people are turning to iPods. Not that I have one, yet. :wink:

That was pretty cool. For all of you liked that, I recommend listening to some DJ Shadow. Not his new stuff, which is more rap-oriented, but his best album, “Endtroducing”. It is what got me interested in all sorts of good music that they (unfortunately) don’t play on the radio.