i come up with a realy good iadia to remeber to do rc
I have a post it in my room on my door saying: am I dreaming? Then under it I have
(do reality check).
As long as whoever your living with doesn’t mind, you may also have post its around the house. You may also want to put a post it, or another piece of paper, on your notebooks.
You can also add text on your cell phone background (most phones allow you to add text to your background).
You can even write RC on the back of your hand with a pen to give yourself that extra reminder.
I know I’m going balls to the walls here but I’m just saying there are endless possibilities to remind yourself.
This method is a great idea I am implementing right now. All it does is reinforce the fact that reality checks are key to becoming lucid, and if you are serious about it you should remind yourself to maintain lucidity in waking life and in your dreams.
sweet lucid-dreams.