Hey all I was just wondering, Do I have a better chance of remembering my dream if I was lucid? The reason I’m asking this is because most people say they wake up right after realizing there lucid the first few times. Thanks for the help suckas
Not necessarily; I have had lucid dreams from early on in nights, which I didn’t recall well once I woke up. However, your chances of better recall can be improved with shouting out commands such as, “I want to have good recall!” I’ve never tried it myself, so I don’t know how well it will work.
Yes you do have a better chance because you can decide then and there that you want to remember it. It’s no guarantee though but if you do wake up directly from it whlie lucid you’ll almost certainly remember unless you are distracted.
In most cases, yes. But sometimes you can have a very vivid LD and not recall it at all. This used to happen to me a bunch, then I improved my recall, and it hasn’t happened since.
If you didn’t recall it at all, how do you know it happened?
That is what i am wondering
You don’t. I am assuming that what BB meant was that she often had lucid dreams early in the night, but that she sometimes didn’t remember her dreams from early in the night, so it only stands to reason that she had some lucid dreams that she didn’t remember.
I have actually found that I remember my lucid dreams with much more frequency than I remember my regular dreams. I don’t really know, though, because I don’t know how many LDs I don’t remember.
LOL! Good question. It may happen that you only recall you having been lucid, or just a fragment of your LD.