I suppose from what I’ve read that we dream every night and we are aware of it depending on our dream recall ability. Does anyone here LD on command whenever they want to? Does anyone look forward to going to sleep each night counting on carrying out an LD exactly as they want it?
I know several people on the Dutch forum who can LD at will, so it’s possible. Don’t really know about this forum (besides Pedro but where is he?), we should have more LD competition topics to find that out
Pedro made a movie then left, maybe he is doing that, maybe he is here just under a diffrent name. think bout it
It is possible, just depends how much effort you put into it, what techs you use. how much sleep you get etc. Just keep trying and you will be right on track
Yep, most of the time it’s a hit and miss, but with a little effort you can raise or lower the chances of having one. However, if you really want to control your LD rate, I think you have to practice for many years… But it’s worth the effort
hmm thats right, have been doing this since i was in yr9, now i am in yr 12. Even tho it has taken me years to be where i am now, it is damn well worth it. I started off with one ld a month, if that. Now i have quite a few more
i can’t LD at “will” given I can’t just say “let’s LD” and bam i’m in an LD (some day!) but I can have them every night, and as you can see from my May count, I usually do, and then some.
You’ll hit a point where it gets to where you can at least have a few a week, and once that happens I think you’ll find that you progress rapidly and learn a lot of things.
I’m not sure when it was that I started being able to have them every night, I guess maybe a year ago… I guess I’ve been LDing (reading about them and desiring to have them) for 2-3 years now.
Well holy reality has LD’s every night and I believe jeff and Dm7 can LD at will. I don’t think either has claimed that but I get that impression from there posts. I don’t have LD’s every night but, have them on a regular basis.
Just keep practicing and don’t view it as something that is really hard and you will make it easier on your self. It is a very natural thing that anyone can learn how to do.
I know I’ve done it on a few occasions without even realizing it until I noticed while dreaming that everything seemed to be changing according to my desires. I started DR practices by keeping a DJ yesterday and already I remembered 3 dreams I had last night. I also plan on trying the mint tea trick.
Hopefully, within a year I will be having regular LDs.
I also think its all about the amount of effort you put into having LD’s just like you strain yourself to remeber your dreams, I think you can train yourself to have LD’s, the more you do it, the better you get.
What’s your defination of ‘at will then’? I mean jeez, you have a current average of 2.7 LD’s a night . Compared to my current average of 0.2 a night .
Y’know, one day I’m gonna be as good as you . Mwhahahahahaha .
Im lucky if I can get that far with naps. Then again I also don’t try to nap often. With more practice I could probably do it. I’ll get around to working on it eventually. Right now WILD at bedtime and with WBTB is working well enough.