Will it help to take sleeping pills before bedtime so onr can enyer the REM stage of sleep faster? Does an yone know?hx?
wizzard. The point of sleeping drugs is to put you to sleep, but like all drugs they effect the brain. Using them to get into in REM faster i doubt will work and there’s always the chance that using pills could actually stop you from entering REM sleep at all.
Remember sleeping pills are to put you to sleep not get you into REM sleep quicker.
If you are going to use pills see a doctor first and make sure they aren’t going to cause problems, no sense in risking your health. It shouldn’t hurt to try - like i said in another thread different drugs effect different people in different ways, so it might work for you, it might not the only way to find out is to try.
However i would suggest not using them regularly maybe only twice a month, you don’t want to become dependant on them. Using them if you don’t really need them could cause insomnia if you don’t use them, that wouldn’t be a good thing.
good luck
Answer is NO.
If you want REM to start faster the only way is to deprive yourself of sleep for longer.I guess(tho its different for different ppl) that if you do 24 hrs without sleep ,you will hit REM right off then.If you spend half of this time playing computer then you can expect fancy hipnagogics:)
Sleeping pills......most of them,except melatonin and herbal ones...will decrease your REMs.Slowly byt steadily.Then after some time from giving up on them proper REM lenghts will be back.
good luck:)
Hmm, usually I feel that pulling an overnighter kills my recall and makes me too tired to be aware while I go to sleep.
But well, maybe it’s different for other people… I don’t know…
Wizard sleeping pill mostly barbiturates kill your rem sleep!
If you want a drug that gives more rem sleep try a nicotine patch…but dont use the strongest ones but the weakest ones instead or u get nightmares BTW it doesnt result in lucid dreams so no gain in trying this.
i seriously doubt they would help, they don’t increase your sleep cycle only put you to sleep. One thing that will help is depriving yourself of sleep though. There was a scientific study in Psychology that found a phenomena…The subjects brain waves were monitored…everytime they entered the REM region of the sleep cycle they were woken up. They kept doing this over and over, and finally they were allowed to sleep fully (without being woken up) and each time they entered the REM sleep they stayed in that region for abnormally long periods of time (like the brain was trying to catch up on the dreaming it had missed)
I was reading up a thread about sleeping positions and people kept saying that they had LD’s and OBE’s sleeping on their backs. The problem was that they couldn’t sleep on their backs because of comfort issues. Maybe if you took the sleeping pills and layed on your back you might have an LD or OBE? I know I just can’t sleep on my back. Everytime I try I end up staring at the roof all night untill I deicde to lay on my side.
yo akin this is peter. good to see you on this forum
I can’t fall asleep on my back either but i can do this. I find that when I wake up from my LDs i am on my back a lot of the time. What i do is sometimes wake up during the middle of the night naturally or by alarm. And then go back to sleep laying on my back. I am so groggy when waking up that it makes falling asleep on my back way easier than when initially trying to go to sleep at night, this is how I am able to go to sleep on my back. Some times if I fall asleep on my side i end up rolling onto my back in my sleep.