Do we really dream

Ok, this might sound like a silly topic, but if you think about it the mind is a powerful thing and perhaps it just implants memories into your brain while you are asleep.
I notice that i can only really remember dreams if i want to, i won’t just remember one without out trying.

You’re probably thinking: what about LDs?
Well LDs could still be memories, everything in your life could actually be just a memory, since you’re not living it this moment you don’t know that you ever did it.

What i’m really asking here is wether you think its likely that the subconscious just creates dreams in our memory when we wake up, perhaps being in rem while you wake just helps this process?

well it’s possible, but i remember dreams as i am actually dreaming them (ie: like watching and participating in a movie) and when i wake up they are fresh in my memory - i don’t have to try and recall them at all.

Though sometimes if I stay asleep after REM sleep has passed i will need to really think about details on waking.

That said the people in my dreams are new to me, most of them i have never met. Though often i do dream of people from when i was at school in amazing detail - better than i can when awake. So that would give your “false” memory theory alot of backing.

afterall if i can remember in perfect detail people from school - even the ones that i never spoke to or hung out with, then these people i don’t know in my dreams could be people i simply passed on the street.

Do i believe they are “false” memories created by the mind as we sleep yes & no. No because i can get details that i never knew in waking, for example 2 days ago i dreamt of my internet friend tell me where she lived. (her parents told her never to give ANY personal info - i don’t even know her real sirname) but in the dream she told me her home address and name, i questioned her and i was correct. (it’s a rare tallent - but it isn’t the first time it’s happened)

Is it possible that’s what happening? Of course it is. We know very little of dreams right now in our development, so saying no to possiblities would be foolish. After all dreams have to come from somewhere, i think there’s just a little bit more too it than simply dreams being created. I think we all tap into something - or have the ability to do so. Afterall that info i got on my friend had to come from somewhere other than my mind.

Well, if we ask wether our dreams are just false memories, the same goes for real life.
So I got to say, sure it it possible, but isn´t a false memory as good as a real one?

I think you got to watch the film “Dark City”, it works with this idea


Na, we dream, our mind creates a virtual reality for us so we don’t go insane during unconsiousnes. Their present for me alright.

Dead, how can you be so sure? After all you only remember remembering dreams so that could also be false. And i agree that this could also be applied to the past of your life, afterall they are all memories. unless you can go back in time and experience it again (tell me how you do it if you can)
traumgänger yes a false memory is as good as a real one, perhaps even better.
And by the way i don’t actually believe that dreams are false memories, but i’ve kept it as a possibility.

I don’t believe they’re false memories at all. I don’t have to try to remember my dreams, I wake up remembering them. Sometimes a memory of a dream will come to me in the middle of the day without me having even thought about dreams or anything like that. I absolutely 100% believe that we dream, and that the memories of them are very real.

i think we really do dream. interesting subject, though. i dont eather have to try to remember my dreams anymore, they just come to me. and if we weren’t dreaming, or if it would depend of our own wanting, why does some people really have a problem with nightmares? i’m sure they dont want to remember them, but they still do, so the nightmares are real… and so are the dreams. i think.

Interesting topic…

But Alex how do u think lds were proven to science?
ppl gave eye signals from within rem sleep…u think a memory could do that in real time?
And if they were memories…how do you explain then that lders get better and better at dream control when time passes by? So from their first ld to having lds years later. Memory improvement?
And how do you explain wild or dream yoga from waking with full consciousness into rem and back? here u fall not first a sleep and lose consciousness.
I mean how do u explain ppl get better at all those things in the future time if they were only memories? Memories that develop skill in order of future time line?

But still an interesting view for sure. :smile:
And an original one, i must say, i like it! :happy:

i dont think it jsut meories, cuz i dont think was fuck a dog in the ass while shitting on me… dont ask

hmm sick & twisted interesting :eh:

and i thought i had weird dreams :eek:

Interesting thought. I was just having a discussion about this the other day. Ultimately, all of life is just a memory, including dreams and waking life. How would we know if the memories are false or true? How do we even know what “false” is and what “true” is?

Dreams occur during the night, and are not simply memories that are placed there as we awaken. This can be observed in a sleeping individual by watching her eyes move around, or monitoring brain activity by use of capable machines. Also, experiments demonstrate that a person having a lucid dream may in fact communicate with the outside world AS they are having the dream.

I was kinda hoping that sciene would have defined a set of rules by now that provent people with active imaginations from inventing theories like this. :smile:

Perhaps it is not the actual dream that is occuring while someone is in REM. How do we know that REM just happens, perhaps it stimulates the mind for the task of impregnating memories into your head.

I explain it simply by the placebo effect. People that have had LDs believe that they will have longer and better LDs and so the mind creates the memories of longer and better LDs.

This is all part of the illusion the brain creates. You actually do lose consciousness, but the brain alters the memories (it does this because of the placebo effect again) so that it seems that you never lost consciousness.

And for the people that have said that the dreams just come to them and they don’t have to try to remember them: they may have trained their subconscious into creating the memories everyday that it does it automatically.

Any interruptions in remembering dreams (like having a memory pop into your head half way through the day) may be caused by the waking up process, while the brain is trying to create a dream memory you suddenly wake, this halts the memory creating process so that the brain can concentrate on getting ready for school or whatever else is on your mind.

And atheist, i think that people with active imaginations are good for stimulation of the imaginations of others.

P.S. just to reiterate, i don’t think it is likely that this is the case, only a possibility. I plan to defend it as just that, a possibility.

That’s interesting. But It basically corrisponds to that long pondered question, how do you know that time only just started right NOW, and everything you ever remembered before this point was just false memorys implanted in your head. The truth is, you don’t know. To your mind, there’s no difference. False, true, as long as you remember it happening, it’s completely pointless to ponder whether it did or not. :confused: that make sense?