Do you believe in God?

This may/may not offend you if you have strong religious beliefs…but I just want to express what I think.

I, myself, do not believe in God. I don’t think he created the Earth and or the universe. I simply believe that the bible was a fictional story, which got passed on to be something to what we think is real. Such as Santa Claus, but with a more powerfull impact.

Religion, in my opinion, is something to bring people together. Nothing more, and nothing less. I think that “God” was made up just to bring the good out of people and control society. I think that this whole believe in God is going a little too far. We have proven that the Earth has been created from a meteor and that humans were created from evolution, which lifeform began as bacteria. Science has proven that God is fake. People still choose to believe in God and say science is fake, and useless.

Also, I don’t really believe in a heaven or hell. Maybe there could be a heaven in your mind, such as an endless lucid dream. But other than that, I don’t think you will see/do anything, besides not existing. Which is a really hard thing to think about, because how can you not exist and not think. your just gone… its weird.

Anyways, just wanting to know if everybody here is with me or against me. Share your thoughts.

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