do you believe in paranormal?

A while ago I was wondering what we LD’ers have in common. Someone said that we all are likely to believe in spiritual and paranormal things. I think you don’t need to be that type of person to interest in LD’ing. I myself am very skeptic and rational. I always like to see a proof and a scientific explanation of everything. I don’t believe in things like foresight, SD’ing and realness of OBE’s, although I believe in lucid dreaming (actually, I have LD’s :smile: ), because there is nothing really paranormal in it. However I didn’t believe first when friend told me about it, I think i did that because of my general skepticism.
But on the other hand, when Anna told us (“Can you bring the objects…”) about her “ability”, no-one believed her uncritically, we all demanded a proof.

So, are there many people sharing my point of view?

(1. I don’t mean to offend anyone, that’s just my point of view…
2. Sorry for my poor English)

I think Atheist does and Mystic does not:)lol

But seriously.Im kind of mix of two.On one hand i tend to fantasy a lot and plot crazy ideas.On the other theres a line between what i wish and what there is “for real”.
I just hope i keep right balance:)

well pav -

I’m more likely to believe in Spiritual/paranormal things than LDing reason being i have experienced more paranormal happenings than i have LDs.

If i experience something i will believe it. I’ve been around the paranormal all my life where as i have only had a few dreams that “could” be LD. So from my standpoint LDing is the thing i should be skeptical about.

People do not believe Anna - I am skeptical as to whether she was telling the truth, as for the possibility of doing something like that i am more willing to believe as i have had these types of experiences.

LDing - many people are skeptical about this because they think it unlikely that you can control dreams. Most here would say otherwise as nearly everyone has experienced mild lucidity at one point. - but from the stand point of someone who never has and is skeptical we are all “anna’s” to them.

OBE/AP - i have never personally experienced this so convincingly that i would say without doubt it was not just a vivid dream. My friend however can do it at will and she is not the type to make it up, she has also given me full detail of events where she has visited me through AP and told me what i was doing wearing etc. The girl lives 300miles away so she didn’t just “walk past my house” to know the things she tells me.

Paranormal - I have had many experiences some of which i have posted here so i do obviously believe. Many people are skeptical because they haven’t experienced it. If i was to give a full details recallection of these many here would treat me like i was “anna” and demand proof where no proof can ever be given.

It’s Human nature to be skeptical about anything we haven’t experienced ourselves, it’s who we are. Some people are more willing to believe than others i for one am open to the possibilities but wouldn’t put 100% faith in it unless i myself had experienced it.

I also believe in the paranormal because I have had a taste of it too. I agree with Dark Matter because when I told my friends and family of the supernormal things I witnessed, no one believed me. I have LD’d and AP’d, but am not yet good at either. Incidentally, I know this subject has been beaten to death on this site BUT what is the difference between Astral Projecting and Lucid dreaming?

From the replies people have already contributed, it seems that anyone can be interested in lucid dreaming, regardless of where you put your faith. Those of us dedicated to science are satisfied that lucid dreaming is a subconscious skill that draws on the purely individual power of the imagination, while a spiritual person might believe that dreams exist in a different, higher plain of reality - or some such nonsense (just kidding! :grin:).

Anyway, it doesn’t matter what you believe, we’ll all here to discuss our experiences and help each other acheive results more easily.

Yes Atheist. I thought your summary was right on the bulls eye. Well said.

Jack’s almost right :smile:

However, I dó believe in the value of science (otherwise I wouldn’t study it). But I don’t consider it as the Absolute Truth. Compare it with dreaming: when you should practice science in a dream, you may perfectly explain every phenomena happening in the dream. But you think you’re living in reality and you’ll probably end up with a big model of this so-called reality which you consider to be the only truth. But you don’t know you’re dreaming. You don’t know anything about the true Reality, outside the dream. Your model only describes the reality of the dream, an illusion. It says absolutely nothing about the very essence of reality.

I hate the word “paranormal”. It has such a New Age flavour. And tell me, what’s so “para” about absolutely natural “normal” phenomena? :wink:

I’ve always been an escapist and interested in the spiritual and paranormal. Daily life is boring - I try as hard as I can to find the magic in it. When I first heard about LDing I had a whole ephiphany going ‘THAT’S IT!!’

I believe in two things, most of the time. One, everyone is a lot more ignorant and foolish than they think - especially in the grand scheme of the universe and everything. We all just sort of muddle along. If we think we have control, it’s just because we believe we do… everyone is a fool. This isn’t so much actual stupidity… I mean it more like, people are generally very full of themselves, their society and their reality. Whilst compared to everything in nature and the universe, we ought to be a bit more humble and respectful. That’s the foolishness I mean.

Secondly, nothing is absolute. Reality is probably not absolute. And things like society definitely aren’t. Society is something created by humans and thus it can be altered by humans. Few people realise that they can actually change things in the world around them and they live their lives as if everything that they must do and think is set in stone. It’s not. Everything is relative. There is no good or evil, no right or wrong. It is you who sees and creates the difference; the difference does not exist by itself.

I think everyone who believes in things in terms of ‘can’ and ‘can’t’, yes or no, black or white, is seriously limiting their potential.

I buy into The Matrix metaphor. I believe that the universe we inhabit now can be manipulated just like the dream world. I’m open to most things whether it be telepathy, telekinesis, AP, or bringing objects from your dreams. At this point I’m trying to fight the concept of duality and not be run by the idea of it. In the end, everything just “is” and so why should there be definite rules governing a place that “is”? *Note: I realize few people agree with this stuff so don’t think I’m just stating it like “oh, this is absolutely true.” It’s true for me.

I believe in paranormal, but not as in new age thing. It’s more like… mmm yogi/east type of “paranormal.” I, of course, welcome anything with my opened mind. When I was reading Anna’s discussion, I thought it could be either possible or impossible. I kept it inbetween.

I’m a person with wild imagination so I tend to believe anything is possible. I’m easy to believe anything. I am also easy to be skeptic sometimes. :smile: It has to depend on what kind of subject we’re talking about. Also, I believe in based on my feeling. If it feels right, I believe it. If it feels… not right, then I research more about it. I also experiment a lot with paranormal subjects like OBEs, LDs, NDEs, etc. I have found many things from experimenting and I know what I want to believe in because I experienced it myself.

:smile: So you could say that experimenting got me being open minded. :happy: My motto, right now, is like, “Nothing is impossible.” :smile:

I do, actually.

My mom is convinced she’s seen a ghost in the house before. I haven’t, though. :bored:

i believe in the paranormal…very much so…in fact, i myself have achieved different levels of paranormal abilities…i have attained a small level of astral projection, i can sense auras, i can somewhat channel my aura (energy) and use it for different reasons…the paranormal is very real and very possible for all people…it just depends on the strength of the mind. Keep dreaming!
