I can only seem to realize Im in a dream when Im in light sleep, and after I do, I wake up. I also dont think I can have dreams in deep sleep e.e Any help?
Freecube, there are different type of sleep stages, but to keep it simple. You do dream in deep sleep too. It’s just that it is sometimes harder to remember your dreams in deeper trance. And you might have been in that black void trance when you wake up so you don’t remember any dreams.
Try doing 6 hours of sleep time and then get up do something for 30 minutes up to 1 hour (do something physcially to wake yourself up… do not stay in your bed) then go back to bed (WBTB). It should help you with your dream recall since it’ll help you to fall asleep lightly. Plus it can help you to recall your dreams before too. Try it, it won’t hurt to experiment.
I wish you good luck my friend and lieve dromen (sweet dreams!)
I kinda did that last night, I woke up after 7 hours by chance, got up for about 1 minute, got back in bed So if I stay awake longer It’ll work?
Yes if you keep awake just enough to wake yourself up. You might have some hard time falling back asleep, but that’s what WBTB is.
Try stay awake for 30 minutes or longer. 1 minute isn’t enough at all.
Little question, Why do you need to focus to stay lucid? After you focus, do you need to continue to focus?
You can try shouting a command when you become lucid something like, “INCREASE LUCIDITY 1000X!” It helps you to increase your lucidity level and have a high level lucidity dream. In a high level, it’s harder for you to lose conscious, but it is still possible that you lose it. It takes some practice to stay lucid. You can try repeat, “I’m lucid… I’m lucid… I’m lucid,” while you’re doing something so you won’t lose being lucid.
Also don’t be too involved in something. It can cause you to lose your lucidity as well.
Hopefully it’s helpful to you? I hope so.
Lieve dromen (sweet dreams)
Very helpful, I’ll try the WBTB again tonight, What method should I do with it, and how do I do it? WILD, MILD, etc. What vitamins help you remember your dreams better?
I recommend you to use MILD with WBTB. It can be very helpful. Before you fall asleep, tell yourself that you’ll become lucid. That you ARE dreaming, etc. until you fall asleep.
Vitamin B6 (I think) will help you with your dream recall, cheese or other diary products, mint tea (it varies for everybody), and something else that I can’t recall.
Good luck