Do you or don't you feel pain in dreams

I had an odd dream last night… That made me thankful we don’t feel pain in our dreams… For some reason I allowed someone to use a sword to chop off part of my little finger.
Though the finger never fell off.

But that brings me to a second dream the same night. I suffering from a cold right now… so it may be important to the dream.
But I was talking to a couple of docs about a previous illness I had in the dream. And I just felt this excruciating pain and pressure in the dream, so much it started to effect my dream vision.

I awoke feeling really dizzy after it…
I thought these were interesting stuff to share

I specifically felt pain in a lucid dream two nights ago. My shoulder had been stressed and hurting, so I attempted to move my dream shoulder to see if I had the concept of “pain” built into my body map or if it was a product of what happened whenever you moved your shoulder when it was hurt. I may have just been expecting it to happen, but I think “pain” is built into your body image. Either way, I am sure I can feel pain in my dreams (at least when I am lucid).

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