I know there are at least a couple people on the forum that like Doctor Who. I recently got into it during the last Christmas episode and have since seen all of the modern Doctor Who episodes. I’m bored, so I thought it would be fun to create a discussion topic about your opinions on Doctor Who.
I’m curious to know the following things you think about Doctor Who, including why you think that.
- Who are your top three doctors (Overall, Classic, and Modern)?
- Favorite companion?
- Favorite episode?
- Least favorite doctor (Overall, Classic, and Modern)?
- Least Favorite Companion?
- Most underrated and overrated Doctor?
- Most underrated and overrated companion?
Here are my opinions:
(Disclaimer: I’ve only seen full episodes of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 8th, 9th, 10, & 11th Doctors)
Overall: #1 10th doctor, #2 2nd doctor, #3 11th or 5th doctor (Hard time deciding, as I’ve only seen clips so far of the 5th doctor)
Classic: #1 2nd doctor, #2 5th doctor, #3 8th doctor
Modern: #1 10th doctor, #2 11th doctor, #3 9th doctor
Rose Tyler (I don’t know why, I just seem to like her with the doctor)
Honestly, no clue. Possibly the one in the modern series where Davros, the 10th doctor, and all of the 10th doctor’s friends from the modern series came together. Also, I like the one with Sally Sparrow and the weeping angels.
Overall: 6th doctor
Classic: 6th doctor
Modern: 9th doctor (Although I like the 9th doctor a lot, the 10th is the best in my opinion, and I alternate between liking the 11th doctor and disliking the 11th doctor)
Martha (River Song is my least favorite if you consider her as a companion, which I don’t)
Most underrated doctor: The 8th doctor, as I thought he was really good, and only got a tiny amount of screen time.
Most overrated doctor: The 11th doctor. Like I said above, sometimes I really like the 11th doctor, but other times I can’t stand him.
Most underrated companion: Martha. Although she is one of my least favorite companions, it’s not because of her character, but more the story lines with her in them as well as her interaction with the doctor.
Most overrated companion: I don’t really have one, unless you count River Song as a companion.