Does anyone else have this problem?

Whenever I am lucid dreaming and I close my eyes (to make it easier for me to perform magic etc) I find that I CAN’T OPEN THEM AGAIN. And then I wake up, and for a few seconds I still can’t open them.

I think it’s just another way that my subconscious has found to rip me off and steal my hard-earned lucid dream time. But anyway, does anyone else get this, or anything similar? It’s immensely frustrating.

Errm… Don’t close your eyes?

Yes - once you close your eyes, you aren’t getting enough input from the dream world to stay within it. You need to keep your eyes open.

For some reason I always forget that, and close them anyway. But I’m not really looking for advice, I just want to know if anyone else gets this.

I’ve been unable to open my eyes in a few NDs. Usually when I’m fighting someone… all I can do is thrash around madly and hope I hit someone…

Last time I did that, I accidently hit my comrade who was rushing in to help me :tongue:.

A few seconds after the fight, I managed to get my open again though :cool:.