I am about to take a nap, but the subliminal website I used to go to is not working.
try warpmymind, under selfhelp theres a lucid dream file that I use
ummm… thank you ^.^…
so sorry, but I’m under 21. ^.^` heh.
lol, just uh, don’t click on the “show us your tits” mp3 or you’re gonna be embarassed. Hey, does it work for guys? If you’re going to try them, be careful what you go for and uh, that’s not subliminal that’s hypnosis by an odd man indeed.
I don’t think it’s that difficult to only download the lucid dreams file… isn’t it?
Alternatively, try finding Dr Laberge’s hypnosis “trance induction” for lucid dreams… According to lucidity.com it isn’t available, but perhaps you might find it on some other site, local shop, etc…
… okay, thanks. ^.^`
Maybe I’ll just make my own Html file. And I can post it here for people to use. Is that okay? When I used them, I found they helped somewhat. Is okay?
has that lucid mp3 helped you at all?
I did not use it. I do not trust that site. ^.^
Well he can’t do anything to you which is not said in the mp3.
Just listen to it normally - it won’t put you under (you need to relax for that) just by listening!
Basically he tells you you will become lucid in your dreams. If you don’t trust him, in any case, the hypnosis won’t work at all.
Actually I think Laberge’s induction is better. Laberge should make an mp3 available for sale…
I don’t get the whole “quote people and make no reply” thing.
Anyways I suggest you make your own hypnosis file… that dude is sure annoying. I’d be better off with a text to speech synthesis trying to hypnotize me.
edit: HEY! I DIDN’T SAY THAT!! &$&^$!!
Someof the crap on that site is amazing, whats even more amazing is he is selling someof that crap. I wouldn’t be susprised if the lucid dream one included a message to buy more stuff from his site.