I am curious if anyone has had a dream where they became part of an anime movie. I am not sure if anyone else here enjoys anime, but I occasionally like to sit back and be an otaku for a few hours
lol, when I first got into lucid dreaming I was also into anime. The minute I went lucid all my charecters turned anime. That may sound boring to you people, but 3D anime charecters is so much more interesting than real life TV.
i’ve once had a dream about NGE where i was a piloit of a eva and me shinji,asuka & rei where fighting a angle (that was invisible at first to later on in the dream)
I had a dream a few weeks ago involving anime.
I had just recently bought Cowboy Bebop The perfect sessions on DVD, and I had spent all of my free time watching those DVD’s. Apparently Cowboy Bebop had trickled into my subconscious.
I don’t remember much about it, but I do remember clearly that I was normal and everyone else was a cartoon(You think that would have triggered the realization that I was dreaming, but alas, it didn’t). I do remember being yelled at by Faye for doing something(knowing me, I probably came on to her or something like that q= ) and then waking up as I was about to yell back.
I guess I watch too much TV.
I have had a few dreams about the simpsons… Once i even actually was a part of it, and truly belived lisa simpson was my sister… really odd dream
Lol, very kewl stuff. I really enjoy a few different animes (Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Vampire Hunter D) and am going to order some more off amazon.com soon.
I really want to have a dream that is in anime, since I imagine that it would be something entirely different than a normal dream.
My best anime dream was the one with harry potter in it! I used to be absolutly obsessed about it. I can remember I was following harry potter around and these huge stone walls.
HA! I haven’t had a dream with the Simpsons before, and that’s kind of surprising considering how big of a fan I am.
I wonder how many people have dreams involving cartoons that are in “cartoony” form. Or if they make them into human characters. Mine have always been with me as a human, and the cartoons as they are on TV, bright colors and all. Very odd.
Last night I had a dream where i was in a incredibly violent “Spawn” cartoon gang war fight movie thing. And this one charector that looked like a mechanically alterd QUAKE monster was shot down and these little midget evil creatures came up and started chopping off his foot with these sick looking axes . It was fuking ill
. Cars blw up, and these monsters with huge grining fangs were smiling and shooting and blasting away
and the camera angle kept flying aroudn the whole scen like the camera angling in the movie spider man. It was crazy!
One or two times a lucid dream suddenly changed to “cartoon style” when it got unstable.Then my lucidity faded and I woke up.
Still, I imagine it to be funny if you do it on purpose (but I am not into anime… gotta admit that I never ever read one)
Never had that happen, but how cool would that be?
I’ve recently had quite a number of Anime-related dreams, and I point the finger squarely at a Japan-obsessed friend of mine currently on a quest to gather, watch and then summarise to me every single Anime that has ever been made. I can’t say I don’t enjoy them myself, but certainly on a much healthier scale.
Anyway, to avoid driving everyone away in disgust, I won’t go into detail with my Noir dream. Erm… or my Evangelion dream, or my Bubblegun Crisis dreams. Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever had an Anime dream suitable for the young impressionable minds that more recently seem to be dominating the forum.
Nasty boy, Atheist! (j/k Like I can talk…) lol:
I haven’t had very many “anime” style dreams but a lot of times my dreams take on a different style of cartoony feel. More often then that I find myself in video game dreams.
I had a dream once where I was (kind of…don’t ask) this woman…‘I’ was married to a guy who had his boss round and when I got home, I took all my clothes off in front of him and his boss…I looked in the mirror, and I still had bra and pants on for some reason, but I didn’t (again, don’t ask, but I’m glad I did lol) and I was an anime chick. My husband said “is that appropriate?!” and I answered “yeah I know, I KNEW I’d worn too many clothes to work, thank god I’m back home.”
I don’t know why I was anime…but it was a cool experience.
Well, since I am a fan of anime and manga, I dream about it quite often - especially when I’m really into a series. It’s funny how a dream can really take on the cell-shaded look of anime. What’s really weird is when I started to dream in MANGA - which is comics, which is 2-dimensional, black and white, panel after panel. I never dreamt panel after panel before, with textbubbles. I was really weird
Currently though, I’m playing a lot of Final Fantasy, and during the night find myself wandering in the FF world and never once wondering ‘hmm, i’m in the middle of a videogame, I MIGHT just be dreaming…’ I guess I’m having too much fun XD
I have very few anime related dreams which is wierd since I have 6, yes 6 anime dvds all in their boxes sitting right next to me as I type. To my left is a CD case full of anime, not to mention the three other cases I’ve lent to my friends. I guess I’m not taking my anime in a “healthy” way? God I want an anime dream.
I can tell by your usage of terms.
Man I really am not doing this in a sane way am I…
Heh Ashvura reading about your exp with manga dreams reminded me of the anime Fooley Cooley (FLCL) god that is the best anime but anyways if you havent seen it in some parts they go into a sort of manga thing that is hilarious, it sounds sooo much like your exp. LOL god that is the best anime cuz its so damn unique if any of you anime fans have not seen it, see it ASAP!!!
I can only recall one anime dream, and even then its really not much anime just a glimpse of anime. . . ok im wandering around everything is a blue there is someone asking me ‘did he take the blue pill or the red pill?’ and i am confused, thinking ‘i dont know’ and then i see a glimpse of Sesshomaru from the anime Inuyasha flying past in his cool blur fading counterpart movement really fast and i say ‘oh yeah i think he took the blue pill’ weird
I am suprised that I don’t dream of anime more often judging by how much I watch it. I did have one .hack dream before though that was very interesting. It was interesting because it had the color shading of an anime or video game, but I was in it first person with two other friends. We all had our characters that looked sort of like our real self, but slightly different. I was a twin blade and I had the ability to data drain like Kite. I remember we went through this infected dungeon and we ended up running into Skeith. We fought him in an intense battle and when I had the opportunity, I data drained him. At this point, the dreams color and vividness intesified greatly as the whole environment turned into a background of static and color as the bracelet expanded and projected the attack towards him.
I love how the detail of anime based dreams can posses a certain vividness that no other dreams have. :content:
i have seen sephiroth in my dreams, but i wasnt realy there, more like watching a movie or game…
i’ve had precog dreams of games, that were released several years later, and i recently dreamt of Neo-Bahamut from FF7…it looked like the movie actually, so i think we might be able to see neo-bahamut in FF7-AC!! kewl!!
um, and yeah, i dreamt of the fight scene betwean Buu, and Gotenks in the hyberbolic timechamber 10 years ago or something…thats 5-7 years before o knew of DBZ!
LOL, ive just started playing FFVII, have yet to dream about it…hehe, dreaming precog of games and anime…and i thought i was a fan…you are true fans! *im not worthy!